功能名称 : MicrosoftWindowsPowerShell 状态: 已启用 功能名称 : iSCSITargetServer-PowerShell 状态: 已禁用 功能名称 : PKIClient-PSH-Cmdlets 状态: 已禁用 功能名称 : KeyDistributionService-PSH-Cmdlets 状态: 已启用 功能名称 : Tpm-PSH-Cmdlets 状态: 已启用 功能名称 : MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2 状态:...
If you want to list the Windows features installed on a remote Windows Server, it is possible using the PowerShell. This method is convenient because you don’t have to log in to the remote Windows Server to get the features. Run the following command in the PowerShell window to get the...
Azure Produkter Arkitektur Utvikle Lær Azure Feilsøking Ressurser PortalGratiskonto Versjon MSOnline PowerShell 1.0 Overview Reference Last ned PDF Les på engelsk Lagre Legg til i samlinger Legg til i plan Del via Facebookx.comLinkedInE-post ...
PowerShell 复制 Get-MsolDirSyncFeatures [-Feature <String>] [-TenantId <Guid>] [<CommonParameters>] 说明 Get-MsolDirSyncFeatures cmdlet 获取租户的标识同步功能的状态。 可用于此 cmdlet 的同步功能包括: DeviceWriteback DirectoryExtensions DuplicateProxyAddressResiliency DuplicateUPNResiliency EnableSoftMat...
這是在 Azure 入口網站 或使用PowerShell、CLI、Azure SDK 或 REST API 建立 Azure 地圖服務 帳戶時所佈建的共用密鑰。 使用此金鑰,任何應用程式都可以存取所有 REST API。 換句話說,此金鑰可作為發行所在帳戶中的主要金鑰。 對於公開的應用程式,我們建議使用機密用戶端應用程式方法來存取 Azure 地圖服務 REST ...
这是在Azure 门户或使用 PowerShell、CLI、Azure SDK 或 REST API创建Azure Maps帐户时预配的共享密钥。 使用此密钥,任何应用程序都可以访问所有 REST API。 换句话说,此密钥可以用作颁发它们的帐户中的主密钥。 对于公开的应用程序,我们建议使用机密客户端应用程序方法来访问Azure Maps REST API,以便安全地存储密钥...
Windows 10 tools after upgrading the NuGet extension, the installer will downgrade the extension back to Version 3.1. You’ll need to update it again to at least 3.1.1. The version showing up in the Extensions and Updates dialog is 3.1.60724.766. The Windows PowerShell console is
Microsoft.PowerShell.Management - The cmdlets that contain the EventLog noun, the EventLog cmdlets, work only on classic event logs. Clear-EventLog- Clears all of the entries from the specified event logs on the local or remote computers. ...
and some interface-level changes through Fluent Design tweaks. As per the recent Windows 10 Insider Preview, Microsoft is also in plans to bring an extended range of Sets to let users add tabs to File Explorer, Notepad, Command Prompt, and PowerShell. This is expected to debut on Red...
PowerShell Get-MsolDirSyncFeatures[-Feature <String>] [-TenantId <Guid>] [<CommonParameters>] Description Get-MsolDirSyncFeaturescmdlet은 테넌트에 대한 ID 동기화 기능의 상태를 가져옵니다. 이 cmdlet과 함께 사용할 수 있는 동기화 ...