[X] .NET Framework 3.5 功能 NET-Framework-Features Installed [X] .NET Framework 3.5 (包括 .NET 2.0 和 3.0) NET-Framework-Core Installed [X] HTTP 激活 NET-HTTP-Activation Installed [X] 非 HTTP 激活 NET-Non-HTTP-Activ Installed [X] .NET Framework 4.8 Features NET-Framework-45-Fea... ...
模組: PowerShellGet 取得已安裝的腳本。語法PowerShell 複製 Get-InstalledScript [[-Name] <String[]>] [-MinimumVersion <String>] [-RequiredVersion <String>] [-MaximumVersion <String>] [-AllowPrerelease] [<CommonParameters>]DescriptionGet-InstalledScript Cmdlet 會取得 CurrentUser 和AllUsers ...
这是Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet中Get-InstalledPSResource cmdlet 的代理 cmdlet。 有关详细信息,请参阅 Install-PSResource。示例示例1:查找并安装模块本示例在存储库中查找模块并安装该模块。PowerShell 复制 Find-Module -Name PowerShellGet | Install-ModuleFind-Module 使用Name 参数来指定 Power...
PowerShellGet 获取由 PowerShellGet 安装的计算机上的模块列表。 语法 PowerShell Get-InstalledModule[[-Name] <String[]>] [-MinimumVersion <String>] [-RequiredVersion <String>] [-MaximumVersion <String>] [-AllVersions] [-AllowPrerelease] [<CommonParameters>] ...
If the value is anything else, it's likely that PowerShell was installed as aZIP package. If you installed via the MSI package, that information also appears in thePrograms and FeaturesControl Panel. To determine whether PowerShell may be upgraded with Winget, run the following command: ...
Get-InstalledModule 安装PSReadLine PSReadLine 提供了语法高亮、错误提示、多行编辑、键绑定、历史记录搜索等功能: 代码语言:javascript 复制 Install-Module PSReadLine 安装posh-git posh-git 可以在 PowerShell 中显示 Git 状态信息,并提供 Git 命令的自动补全: ...
sqlps.exe. Sqlps.exe incorporated a set of cmdlets specific to using PowerShell with SQL Server, and adds a PowerShell drive (PSDrive) allowing us to navigate SQL Server as though it were a filesystem. We’ll explore these features, then look at some scripts we can use to administer SQ...
Get-Host cmdlet 获取一个表示托管 Windows PowerShell 的程序的对象。 默认显示内容包括 Windows PowerShell 版本号以及主机使用的当前区域和语言设置,但是主机对象包含大量信息,其中包括有关当前正在运行的 Windows PowerShell 版本以及 Windows PowerShell 的当前区域
You can use the object as input to cmdlets that request user authentication, such as those with aCredentialparameter. However, some providers that are installed with PowerShell do not support theCredentialparameter. Example 2 PowerShell $c=Get-Credential-credentialUser01$c.Username User01 ...
To remove an installed feature For Example: C:\> msiexec.exe /qn /i (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'VMware Tools'}).LocalPackage REMOVE="CBHelper" To add features For Example: C:\> msiexec.exe /qn /i (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where...