在使用Django创建用户时,可以使用get_user_model函数来获取用户模型。这个函数返回当前配置的用户模型类,可以用于创建、查询和管理用户。 优势: 简化用户模型的创建:get_user_model函数可以根据当前的配置动态地获取用户模型类,无需手动创建用户模型。 可扩展性:Django的用户模型可以轻松地扩展,添加自定义的字段和方法,...
提供了用户认证,即验证用户名以及密码是否正确,一般需要username和password两个关键字参数 如果通过认证,authenticate()函数会返回一个User对象。 authenticate()函数会在User对象上设置一个属性标识,这个属性标识经过数据库验证用户名及密码。 当我们试图登陆一个从数据库中直接取出来不经过authenticate()的User对象时会报错。
MLLocalTranslatorModel.Factory 错误码 com.huawei.hms.mlsdk.translate.cloud Overview Class Summary MLRemoteTranslateSetting MLRemoteTranslateSetting.Factory MLRemoteTranslator 错误码 com.huawei.hms.mlsdk.model.download Overview Interface Summary MLModelDownloadListener Class Summary MLLocal...
When the user hits Get started on their Home page, a checklist is revealed inside the banner. The checklist provides users with an overview of their onboarding activities, while allowing them to learn and explore at their own pace. The checklist serves as a platform for surfacing page ...
Some users might encounter an error message similar to the following message when they use an outdated version of Power BI Desktop:We weren't able to restore the saved database to the model. Updating to the current version of Power BI Desktop usually resolves this issue. ...
'UserData' retrieves the UserData property as part of the VM model view that was provided by the user during the VM Create/Update operation. IPVersions Available from Api-Version 2019-07-01 onwards, it represents whether the specific ipconfiguration is IPv4 or IPv6. Default is taken as ...
MLModelDownloadListener Class Summary MLLocalModelManager MLModelDownloadStrategy MLModelDownloadStrategy.Factory MLLocalModel MLRemoteModel 错误码 com.huawei.hms.mlsdk.langdetect Overview Class Summary MLDetectedLang MLLangDetectorFactory com.huawei.hms.mlsdk.langdetect.local Overview ...
UserId string 用户ID。 1234567890*** OwnerId string 阿里云账号 ID。 1234567890*** Uri string 模型版本 URI,即模型存储位置。可能值为: 模型的 HTTP(S)地址,例如:https://myweb.com/mymodel.tar.gz。 如果模型存储在 OSS 中,格式为oss://<bucket>.<endpoint>/object。其中 endpoint 配置,请参见访问...
1.wx.login + wx.getUserProfile 能实现wx.getUserInfo的能力,也能满足我们的业务场景。 2.看到官方的调整,先不要着急去调整,先弄清楚要我们的业务场景使用了那些API获取那些能力 3.关于wx.getSetting 返回 "scope.userInfo" 为 undefined。我记得社区有人提问了,等官方回复就好,其实我们可以不依赖这个,原因留给你...
User experience analytics app health app performance by app version device id User experience analytics app health app performance by o s version User experience analytics app health application performance User experience analytics app health device model performance User experience analytics app health dev...