在使用Django创建用户时,可以使用get_user_model函数来获取用户模型。这个函数返回当前配置的用户模型类,可以用于创建、查询和管理用户。 优势: 简化用户模型的创建:get_user_model函数可以根据当前的配置动态地获取用户模型类,无需手动创建用户模型。 可扩展性:Django的用户模型可以轻松地扩展,添加自定义的字段和方法,...
body= models.TextField() 三、不管是不是定制,通用的写法:get_user_model #settings.pyAUTH_USER_MODEL = `users.CustomUser` model.py这样写 fromdjango.contrib.authimportget_user_modelfromdjango.dbimportmodelsclassPost(models.Model): author=models.ForeignKey( get_user_model(), on_delete=models.CASCA...
除了该列表里的字段还包括password字段以及USERNAME_FIELD中的字段EMAIL_FIELD ='email'# 发送邮件时使用的字段objects = UserManager()defget_full_name(self):returnself.usernamedefget_short_name(self):returnself
def auth_view(request): username=request.POST.GET("usernmae") # 获取用户名 password=request.POST.GET("password") # 获取用户的密码 user=authenticate(username=username,password=password) # 验证用户名和密码,返回用户对象 if user: # 如果用户对象存在 login(request,user) # 用户登陆 return redirect(...
Component Object Model (COM) servers that are started by the COM infrastructure and that are configured to run under a specific account also have the Service group added to their access tokens. As a result, these services get this user right when they're started. In addition, a user can ...
getResourceString invokeProcessAction lookupObjects refreshParentGrid showProgressIndicator Xrm.WebApi Best practices Customize commands and ribbon Web resources in model-driven apps Create, manage, and publish app using code Edit the customizations file ...
1. 确定 User Model 我们推荐一下方式来确定某一django项目使用的user model: AI检测代码解析 # 使用默认User model时 >>> from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model >>> get_user_model() <class 'django.contrib.auth.models.User'> # 使用自定义User model时 ...
Huawei has determined what investment targets a country should focus on to get the most "bang for its buck" in terms of ICT investment. Learn more. Telecom has been a lively industry over the past three years. We’ve heard many new terms, and discussed many things. SDN, NFV, cloud data...
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group, Permission # 创建一个新的组 group = Group.objects.create(name='Editors') # 获取某个权限对象(以`myapp.add_article`为例) permission = Permission.objects.get(codename='add_article', content_type__app_label='myapp') # 将权限分配给组 group.permissi...
SELECT ProductModelID, Name, dbo.ufnGetInventoryStock(ProductID)AS CurrentSupply FROM Production.Product WHERE ProductModelID BETWEEN 75 and 80; For more information and examples of scalar functions, see CREATE FUNCTION.Table-valued function examplesInline...