Get off your high horse!下马?同传Sophia 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 102 0 00:47 App 【看美剧学英语系列】绝望的主妇【精听版】Day43 205 0 01:07 App 【看美剧学英语系列】绝望的主妇【精听版】Day63 119 0 00:44 App 【看美剧学英语系列】绝望的主妇【精听版】Day45 266 ...
别高高在上的get off your high horse,本视频由韩老师的英语小课堂提供,0次播放,好看视频是由百度团队打造的集内涵和颜值于一身的专业短视频聚合平台
“get off your high horse”的意思是劝诫某人不要摆架子,以更平等、谦逊的姿态与人交流,可以意译为“别摆架子”、“别那么傲慢”或“别自以为是”。以下是对这一短语的详细解释: 一、短语含义与起源 “get off your high horse”直接表达了对他人傲慢态度的劝诫。这一短...
我们可以对行为“(别)言语盛气凌人、趾高气扬、摆大架子”的人说get off your high horse, get down off your high horse 或 come off your high horse. 例句学习: Stop criticising everyone! You should get down off your high horse and admit that you ...
You're just an intern, so get off your high horse and do this thing, like I asked you to.你只是个实习生,所以别再自以为是,去做这个事情,像我要求你的那样!It's about time that you got down off your high horse. 是时候别再自以为是了。 Would you get off your high horse and talk ...
今天,我们来学习美剧《摩登家庭》里出现的一个俚语:get off your high horse。是不是每个单词都认识,组合起来的意思是“从你高高的马上下来”,这个意思正确吗? 其实get off your high horse的意思就是“别自以为是”或者“别那么趾高气昂”之类的意思。 我们来看看在这部美剧里是如何运用这个俚语的: So why ...
英语小知识"get ..get on your high horse 盛气凌人;自以为是get off your high horse 别摆架子了;别自以为是👇Get off your high horse, you are
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Jibri brawls with David in the studio. Mohamed expects Yve to convert. Thaís' hopes for a John-free future are dashed. Ari finds out Bini is sparring with a woman. Kobe snaps at Emily. Shaeeda thinks Bilal is a neat freak. Synopsis ...
Get Off Your High Horse - The Reggae Singalong (2018) Home 8 of 9 Get Off Your High Horse - The Reggae Singalong (2018)