1.get the sack字面意思:拿回袋子英文释义:to be fired or dismissed from work; to be told by one’s lover that the relationship is over中文释义:被解雇;与恋人绝交例句:① During the depression, many workers got the sack.经济萧条时期,很多工人被解雇了。②Mary gave Sam the sack.玛丽与山姆...
get the sack (boot, axe) idiom meaning, origin, examples in a sentence, dark meanings, definition, synonyms, interesting facts, backstory, and the history of the phrase.
get the push idiomUKinformal to be told toleaveyourjob: 被解雇,被开除 Rick got thepusha fewweeksago.几周前里克被开除了。 to be told by someone thatyourrelationshipwith them hasended: 被抛弃(或甩掉) She got thepushfrom Martin lastnight.昨晚她被马丁甩了。
Idiom: come down with. 8. To perceive and recognize the meaning of: accept, apprehend, catch (on), compass, comprehend, conceive, fathom, follow, grasp, make out, read, see, sense, take, take in, understand. Informal: savvy. Slang: dig. Chiefly British: twig. Scots: ken. Idioms: g...
Idiom: come down with. 8. To perceive and recognize the meaning of: accept, apprehend, catch (on), compass, comprehend, conceive, fathom, follow, grasp, make out, read, see, sense, take, take in, understand. Informal: savvy. Slang: dig. Chiefly British: twig. Scots: ken. Idioms: g...
What does the idiom "get carried away" mean? Idioms: If you wanted a colorful way to say someone is not very intelligent, you could say that they 'aren't playing with a full deck' or 'aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer.' These sayings are called 'idioms.' They are a type ...
老师解释完大意后问我们,这句idiom有适用的范围吗?我和温柔敦厚的小伙伴Ada都天真地以为淑女不宜,只好在拌嘴的时候对付自家大猪蹄子,却谁知,这是老少咸宜的!不信么?请往下看: Julia Donaldson:Jack and the Flumflum Tree (MacMillan Children's Books, 2011, illustrated by David Roberts) ...
声音简介 Today's One idiom one day: Get out of hand Two kids had a fight in my classroom yesterday and it got out of hand. One of them ended up with a broken leg! When a thing or a situation becomes difficult to control.
idiom hypothetical hurricane humidity hostess hopkins hopefully hoover honoring homogeneous holland hitler hips hi hetman's hereby hemphill helva's heed hearings headlights haunting haunted hamrick hamm guessing grinding greasy gratt granting gracefully governors gnp glue glancing gibson germanium geological ...
Today's One idiom one day: Get out of hand Two kids had a fight in my classroom yesterday and it got out of hand. One of them ended up with a broken leg! When a thing or a situation becomes difficult to control. This phrase originated from horse riding. If a rider did not hold ...