开发者ID:ryancoleman,项目名称:lotsofcoresbook2code,代码行数:33,代码来源:external_potential.py 示例4: Atoms ▲点赞 1▼ # 需要导入模块: from gpaw import GPAW [as 别名]# 或者: from gpaw.GPAW importget_eigenvalues[as 别名]passa =4.0x = Atoms(cell=(a, a, a))# no atomsclassHarmonicPoten...
py::int_ dunderGetItem(intptr_t pos) { if (pos < 0 || pos >= dunderLen()) { throw py::index_error("attempt to access out of bounds element"); @@ -1267,7 +1337,8 @@ class PyStridedLayoutAttribute return PyStridedLayoutAttribute(ctx->getRef(), attr); }, py::arg("rank")...
testAucs = numpy.array([0.6789078,0.6844632,0.6867918,0.6873420,0.6874820,0.6874400,0.6874400,0.6874400]) i =0# The results are approximately the same, but not exactlyformaxDepthinmaxDepths: treeRank = TreeRank(self.leafRanklearner) treeRank.setMaxDepth(maxDepth) treeRank.learnModel(X, y) trainS...
raise RuntimeError( RuntimeError: Tensor.containsonly supports Tensor or scalar, but you passed in a <class 'str'>. ERROR:torch.distributed.elastic.multiprocessing.api:failed (exitcode: 1) local_rank: 0 (pid: 1712135) of binary: /home/com0179/anaconda3/envs/MapTR/bin/python3 Traceback ...
using System;namespace size_of_array{class Program{staticvoidmethod2(){int[,]a=newint[17,2];inti=a.Rank;for(intx=0;x<i;x++){Console.WriteLine(a.GetLength(x));}}staticvoidMain(string[]args){method2();}}} Output: 172 In the above code, we print the size of each dimension of ...
bcast(msg, root=s) if rank==0: print "Broadcast message size: %s from rank: %s in %s" % (sys.getsizeof(msg), s, time.time()-t) # Send a message to and from every node for (s,r) in combinations(range(comm.Get_size()),2): for attempt in range(args.network_iterations): ...
浏览完整代码 来源:updatebeerrank.py 项目:wsy1607/Machine-Learning-at-BountyMe 示例2 def eval_wrapper(ypred, ytrue): #pred true #make sure 012 #ypred=np.concatenate((ypred,np.array([0,1,2]) )) ypred is [0.1 0.2 0.7] ytrue=np.concatenate((ytrue,np.array([0,1,2]) )) print...
return shape[1] elif len(shape) == 3: # No batch rank and channels first. return shape[0] Example 19Source File: scenario_inputs.py From azure-cli-extensions with MIT License 6 votes def get_migrate_mysql_to_azuredbformysql_sync_input(database_options_json, source_connection_info, ...
MORPH_OPEN, structuring_element) maxed_rows = rank_filter(opening, -4, size=(1, 20)) maxed_cols = rank_filter(opening, -4, size=(20, 1)) debordered = np.minimum(np.minimum(opening, maxed_rows), maxed_cols) return debordered ...
hccl_config: 其中device_id rank_id 使用 0、2 反复替换验证过,均报相同的错误。 { "board_id": "0x002f", "chip_info": "910", "deploy_mode": "lab", "group_count": "1", "group_list": [ { "device_num": "1", "server_num": "1", "group_name": "", "instance_count": "...