The aircraft hadn't enough power toget off the ground. 那架飞机的动力不够,无法起飞. 《简明英汉词典》 The negotiation would neverget off the ground. 谈判就永远开始不了. 辞典例句 The aircraft hadn't enough power toget off the ground, ie take off. ...
get off the ground 美 英 na.飞起;(报刊等)开始发行 英汉 英英 na. 1. 飞起,进行顺利 2. (报刊等)开始发行,(事业等)着手,开始 1. Abubblethatbursts,biglossesinthestock market,andalongeconomicrecoverythatneverseemstoquitegetofftheground.
get off the ground网络解释 1. get off the ground在线翻译 1. 进行顺利;刚开始:getoffonthewrong foot 开始就乱了步骤 |getofftheground进行顺利;刚开始 |getontheball 机灵些;敏捷些 2. (指活动、事业等)顺利开始:getoffonthewrong foot开始就不顺利;一开始就犯了个错误 |getofftheground(指活动、事业...
get off the ground 词典解释 形容词起飞;顺利开始 get off the ground 词典例句 形容词 His restaurant never got off the ground because he didn't advertise. 因为他没有打广告,所以他的生意一直做不起来。 get off the ground 网络解释 进行顺利;刚开始 ...
“get off the ground”这个短语通常用于描述一个新项目、计划或事业的开始阶段,也可以引申为某事物启动、起步或取得初步进展。
Lack of money meant the plan didn't even get off the ground.(缺乏资金意味着我们甚至无法开始实施计划。) After all, other entrepreneurs who chased the idea for about 50 years were unable to get off the ground.(毕竟,有其它追逐了这个想法达50年之久的企业家也没有能够成功。) The aircraft ...
-Thegovernment'sinitiativetoimprovepublictransportationisstrugglingtogetoffthegroundduetolackoffunding.(政府改善公共交通的倡议由于缺乏资金而未能启动。) 2. 开始实施 "getofftheground"也可以用来表示开始实施某项任务或行动。例如: -Let'sgetthisprojectoffthegroundbyassigningtaskstoeachteammember.(通过为每个团队成...