Accept pipeline input:False Accept wildcard characters:False -Credential Specifies the user account credentials to use to perform this task. The default credentials are the credentials of the currently logged on user unless the cmdlet is run from an Active Directory PowerShell provider drive. If the...
user_name@fqn.domain.tld user_name SID-string Type:String Position:Named Default value:None Required:False Accept pipeline input:True Accept wildcard characters:False -Volume Specifies anAppxVolumeobject. If you specify this parameter, this cmdlet returns only packages that are relative to volume th...
For multiline input, you can wrap text with""": >>> """Hello, ... world! ... """ I'm a basic program that prints the famous "Hello, world!" message to the console. Multimodal models ollama run llava "What's in this image? /Users/jmorgan/Desktop/smile.png" ...
获取IShellItem 对象的显示名称。 语法 C++ 复制 HRESULT GetDisplayName( [in] SIGDN sigdnName, [out] LPWSTR *ppszName ); 参数 [in] sigdnName 类型: SIGDN 指示名称外观的 SIGDN 值之一。 [out] ppszName 类型: LPWSTR* 一个 值,当此函数成功返回时,接收指向检索到的显示名称的指针的地址。
PowerShell $log=Get-WinEvent-ListLogSecurity$log.MaximumSizeInBytes =1gbtry{$log.SaveChanges()Get-WinEvent-ListLogSecurity |Format-List-Property* }catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException]{$ErrMsg='You do not have permission to configure this log!'$ErrMsg+=' Try running this script with adminis...
CloudError An error response from the Compute service. ComponentNames The component name. Currently, the only allowable value is Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup. DataDisk Specifies the parameters that are used to add a data disk to a virtual machine. For more information about disks, see About...
在此示例中,将创建一个脚本文件,其内容显示在 PowerShell 控制台中。 PowerShell $Parms= @{ Path ="C:\Test\Temp-Scriptfile.ps1"Version ="1.0"Author =""Description ="My test script file description goes here"}New-ScriptFileInfo@ParmsGet-Content-PathC:\Test\Temp-...
By using the server information associated with the AD DS Windows PowerShell provider drive, when the cmdlet runs in that drive By using the domain of the computer running Windows PowerShell Expand table Type: String Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: Fal...
Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DF.AmazonDeviceFarmClientCmdlet.ClientConfig Required? False Position? Named Accept pipeline input? True (ByPropertyName) -NextToken <String> An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in...