-rw-rw-r--. 1 zexcon zexcon 23 Oct 4 12:42 learnToScriptInput -rw-rw-r--. 1 zexcon zexcon 0 Oct 4 16:42 learnToScriptOutput -rw-rw-r--. 1 zexcon zexcon 52 Oct 4 16:07 learnToScriptOutputError -rwxrw-rw-. 1 zexcon zexcon 477 Oct 4 15:01 learnToScript.sh drwxr-xr...
Let's say you get tired of typing the same sequence of commands and finally create a nice shell script to run things with fewer keystrokes. But sometimes you want to run it with different arguments, and youdefinitelydo not want to duplicate your great script. You need a way to provide an...
Shell script是利用shell的功能所写的一个“程序”,这个程序是是使用纯文本文件,将一些shell的语法与命令(含外部命令)写在里面,搭配正则表达式,管道命令与数据流重定向等功能,以达到我们所想要的处理目的。 二.shell编写注意事项: 1.命令的执行是从上而下,从左而右地分析执行; 2.命令,参数间的多个空白都会被忽略...
read a echo "Please input second number (Must be greater than the first number): " read b sum=0 while ((a <= b));do ((sum+=a)) ((a++)) done echo "the plus is : $sum"
SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>Start...</H1> <INPUT type="button" value="Edit Taskbar Properties" onclick="fnStart(9)"><br> <INPUT type="button" value="Open Favorites Folder" onclick="fnStart(8)"><br> <INPUT type="button" value="Browse Program Files" onclick="fnStart(7)"><br>...
echo "This script is used to username and password what you input is right or wrong. " for ((i=0 ; i < 3 ; i++)) do echo -n "Please input your name: " read username echo -n "Please input your password: " read password if test "$username" = "user" -a "$passw...
/bin/bashfunWithReturn(){echo"The function is to get the sum of two numbers..."echo-n"Input first number:"read aNum echo-n"Input another number:"read anotherNum echo"The two numbers are $aNum and $anotherNum!"return$(($aNum+$anotherNum))}funWithReturn...
Save-Script[-InputObject] <PSObject[]> [-Path] <String> [-Proxy <Uri>] [-ProxyCredential <PSCredential>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-Force] [-AcceptLicense] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] 说明 Save-Scriptcmdlet 保存指定的脚本。
echo “Input file name:” read FILENAME if [ -c "$FILENAME" ] then cp $FILENAME /dev fi 2.设计一个shell程序,添加一个新组为class1,然后添加属于这个组的30个用户,用户名的形式为stdxx,其中xx从01到30。 vim #!/bin/sh i=1 groupadd class1 ...
Start-Job使用 ScriptBlock参数来运行带有$input自动变量的Get-Content。$input变量从 InputObject参数获取对象。Receive-Job使用 Name参数指定作业并输出结果。 Keep参数保存作业输出,以便在 PowerShell 会话期间再次查看。 示例9:为后台作业设置工作目录 WorkingDirectory允许为作业指定备用目录,你可以在其中运行脚本或打开文...