While a machine can have different drive types, monitoring mostly makes sense only on local disks. When running the PowerShell check disk space query withGet-WMIObjectorGet-CIMInstance, you can filter the drive type to return. Below is the list of available drive types: 0 = Unknown 1 = No...
powershellCopy Code # 获取所有磁盘信息$disks=Get-Disk# 输出每个磁盘的基本信息foreach($diskin$disks) {Write-Output"Disk$($disk.Number):$($disk.FriendlyName),$($disk.Size) bytes"# 获取该磁盘上的分区信息$partitions=Get-Partition-DiskNumber$disk.Numberforeach($partitionin$partitions) {Write-Out...
PowerShell 複製 PS C:\foo> Get-PSDrive D Name Used (GB) Free (GB) Provider Root --- --- --- --- --- D 1211.06 123642.32 FileSystem D:\此命令會取得電腦上的 D: 磁碟驅動器。 請注意,命令中的驅動器號後面沒有冒號。範例3:取得 Windows PowerShell...
Use this cmdlet to get a task sequence step object for one or more instances of the Run PowerShell Script step. You can use this object to: Remove the step from a task sequence with Remove-CMTSStepRunPowerShellScript Copy the step to another task sequen
Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics 从本地和远程计算机获取性能计数器数据。 语法 PowerShell Get-Counter[[-Counter] <String[]>] [-SampleInterval <Int32>] [-MaxSamples <Int64>] [-Continuous] [-ComputerName <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
SQL Script to check total and free disk space of physical drive/LUN/mount drive This is the script that can be used to get the information we are looking for. This uses PowerShell and xp_cmdshell, so it can be run from a SSMS query window. You could also do this just using Powe...
There are two things that you can do using PowerShell to get physical disk information, including serial number, disk size, free space, and more. Get General Information. Retrieve detailed information. The command works with all the storage devices connected to your computer. You can identify th...
PowerShell Get-CimClass-Namespaceroot/CIMV2-ComputerName192.168.1.29 遠端電腦傳回的類別清單可能會因為電腦執行的特定作業系統而有所不同,而且已安裝的應用程式會新增特定的WMI擴充功能。 注意 使用CIM Cmdlet 連線到遠端電腦時,遠端電腦必須執行 WMI,而您所使用的帳戶必須位於遠端電腦上的本機管理...
Get a Free Set of PowerShell Commands for Managing Hyper-V R2 Convert a Physical Disk to a VHD (Virtual Hard Disk) Discover New Features in SCVMM 2008 R2 Configure MAC Address Spoofing for Virtual Network Adapters Download a Set of Free Tools for Managing Hyper-V R2 ...
PowerShell Copy Get-SPWebApplication https://<site name> | Get-SPSite -Limit All |ForEach-Object {$sum=0}{ $sum+=$_.Usage.Storage }{$sum}This example shows a command that returns the sum of the disk space usage for all sites in a given web application....