}# 获取当前时间$timestamp=Get-Date-Format"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"# 记录结果到日志文件$logEntry="$timestamp- CPU Usage:$($cpu.CounterSamples.CookedValue)%, Memory Usage:$memUsage%`n"$diskUsage|ForEach-Object{$logEntry+="Drive:$($_.Drive), Used Space:$($_.UsedSpace) GB, Free Space:...
$($disk.Size) bytes"# 获取该磁盘上的分区信息$partitions=Get-Partition-DiskNumber$disk.Numberforeach($partitionin$partitions) {Write-Output" Partition$($partition.PartitionNumber):$($partition.Size) bytes,$($partition.DriveLetter)"}
How to Get Free Disk Space using PowerShell In today’s technology-driven world, managing disk space efficiently is crucial to ensuring the smooth functioning of your computer systems or servers. As files and applications continue to accumulate, it’s essential to monitor and analyze disk space r...
The FreeSpace property contains the amount of free space in bytes left on each of the drives. To make it more convenient, you can convert it to GB and display the amount of free space on each logical disk in % (as the ratio of free space to the total disk size). You can use the ...
PS C:\foo> Get-PSDrive D Name Used (GB) Free (GB) Provider Root --- --- --- --- --- D 1211.06 123642.32 FileSystem D:\此命令會取得電腦上的 D: 磁碟驅動器。 請注意,命令中的驅動器號後面沒有冒號。範例3:取得 Windows PowerShell ...
日常交互式查询中,95% 查询访问近几天的数据,剩下 5% 的跑一些长周期批处理任务。我们可以通过阶梯...
Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest: http://www.ubuntu.com/business/services/cloud 284 packages can be updated. 192 updates are security updates. The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described ...
Get-WMIObject Win32_LogicalDisk | ForEach-Object {$_.freespace} So, other than the odd syntax (typically you would use Select-Object to isolate a single property) what’s the problem with this command? Nothing, really; the commanddoesgo out and retrieve the amount of free disk space for ...
Get-ChildItem 和Get-Item 命令可以获取已经存在的文件和目录。你也可以创建自己的文件和目录,重命名它们,给它们填充内容,复制它们,移动它们,当然也可以删除它们。 创建新目录 创建一个新目录最方便的方式是使用MD函数它是mkdir的别名,它内部调用的是New-Item命令,指定参数–type的值为Directory: PS C:\PowerShell>...
(Disk type, letter, capacity in GB, free space in GB, % free , Status + display a HTML output) .INPUT Input Server text file Service list Output HTML file .OUTPUTS HTML output Console Output .NOTES Version: 1.0 Author: Prashanth Jayaram Creation Date: 2017-02-...