_manufacturer = device_info["manufacturer"] self._model_name = device_info["modelName"] self._serial_number = device_info["serialNumber"] Example 7Source File: aruba.py From aruba-ansible-modules with Apache License 2.0 6 votes def get_device_info(self): device_info = {} device_info[...
cmd line bat script for free disk space CMD to open shared files cmd.exe process does not close after bat file runs CNAME recoord cannot be resolved Command line tools to completely change region/input language for default user and welcome screen Command runs successfully from a cmd prompt, b...
device: motorola e13 output from fastboot getvar all (run on main fastboot screen): (bootloader) serialno: REMOVED(bootloader) securestate: enable(bootloader) imei: REMOVED(bootloader) meid: (bootloader) sku: XT2345-6(bootloader) ro.build.fingerprint[0]: motorola/sabahl_g/sabahl:13/TLAS33....
Disk information $a=gwmi win32_logicaldisk -fi "drivetype=3" -comp "WM28101Q" | Select DeviceID,size,FreeSpace,System Display a progress bar within a column in the DataGridView Display all properties of an AD Computer object Display Japanese characters in English Powershell console Display Mes...
LMIC-node uses a device-id to identify a device. The device-id is used for display purposes in status information that is output to the serial port and display. Device-id's allow different devices to be easily recognized when they have different device-id's, because their device-id is ...
[persist.sys.cmdservice.enable]: [disable] [persist.sys.csvt]: [false] [persist.sys.current_set]: [Others] [persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib.2]: [libart.so] [persist.sys.device_provisioned]: [1] [persist.sys.disable_rescue]: [true] [persist.sys.displayinset.top]: [0] [per...
(127) As Byte End Type 'Structure returned by SMART IOCTL commands Private Type SENDCMDOUTPARAMS cBufferSize As Long 'Size of Buffer in bytes DRIVERSTATUS As DRIVERSTATUS 'Driver status structure bBuffer() As Byte 'Buffer of arbitrary length for data read from drive End Type 'Vendor ...
Find IP Address from Username. Find IP Address of other clients in my network lan (Remotely)? Find IP address via Username. Find Network ID find the guid for an application in the registry Find windows server license status Finding a Domain Controller Finding Device ID for a given NIC... ...
Find IP Address from Username. Find IP Address of other clients in my network lan (Remotely)? Find IP address via Username. Find Network ID find the guid for an application in the registry Find windows server license status Finding a Domain Controller Finding Device ID for a ...
Device Update Device Registry DNS Durable Task Scheduler Dynatrace Edge Hardware Center Education Elastic SAN Elastic Event Grid Event Hubs ExpressRoute Extended Location Fabric Firewall Fleet Front Door Service Graph Services Guest Configuration HDInsight HDInsight Kafka REST Proxy HDInsight On Aks ...