completefunction否接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) #object.success 回调函数 #参数 #Object res 属性类型说明 errMsgstring成功:ok ,错误:fail serialNumberstringsn 码 #示例代码 wmpf.getDeviceSerialNumber({success:function(res){console.log(res.serialNumber)},fail:function(res){console.log(...
The GetDeviceID method retrieves the 128-bit value that identifies the device. Syntax C++ Copy HRESULT GetDeviceSerialNumber( [out] DRM_VAL16 *pSerialNumber ); Parameters [out] pSerialNumber Address of a DRM_VAL16 structure that receives the device serial number. Re...
Get the device's SN code - Synchronous return #parameter nothing #Return value #Object res attributetypeIntroductions serialNumberstringSn Code. On failure, the interface will throw error #sample code try{letres=wmpf.getDeviceSerialNumberSync()console.log(res.serialNumber)}catch(and)...
I need to programmatically get device serial number. This id is visible to user and it uniquely identifies device. UUID will not work because it is not visible to user. Is there a way to programmatically get serial number of device? I would settle for IMEI too. Boost Copy eramsey1 ...
你可以将上述代码部署到一个运行Android 4.4系统的实际设备上,并调用getDeviceSerialNumber()方法来验证其是否能正确返回设备序列号。 根据测试结果调整代码以确保正确获取设备序列号: 如果测试结果显示无法获取序列号,你可能需要检查设备是否支持获取序列号,或者考虑设备制造商是否对序列号获取进行了限制。 请注意,虽然Bu...
Pointer to a WMDMID structure that receives the serial number for the device. This parameter is included in the output message authentication code. [in, out] abMac Array of eight bytes containing the message authentication code for the parameter data of this method. (WMDM_MAC_LENGTH is define...
For an in-house application, we were using the following code UIDevice+serialNumber to get the device serial number. However, it seems that with iOS 8, the registry key "IOPlatformSerialNumber" is empty. Can the serial number be obtained any other way?
此方法是可选的。 传输受保护的内容时,Windows Media 设备管理器使用 IMDSPStorageGlobals::GetSerialNumber。 有关详细信息,请参阅 必需接口和可选接口。 要求 展开表 要求值 目标平台 Windows 标头 mswmdm.h Library Mssachlp.lib 另请参阅 IMDSPDevice 接口 IMDSPStorageGlobals::GetSerialNumber反馈...
I have tried this method to get the connected devices serial number but without any luck item.driver.getDevice().getSerialNumber() Is it possible to read the serial number from the device which is connecting to my android ?
Connect your device to your Windows or Mac computer via a USB cable. Launch iTunes. Clickand then select your device: On theSummarytab, click your device'sSerial Number. The serial number will switch to UDID: Click the image to enlarge it. ...