Get Current Pose Target is Control Rig Pose Asset Get Current Pose Target Select Asset In Control Rig Select Asset Out Pose Inputs In Exec Target Control Rig Pose Asset Object Reference In Control Rig Control Rig Object Reference Outputs Out Exec Out Pose Control Rig Control Pose...
rospy.sleep(1.0)def_approach(self, pose):approach = copy.deepcopy(pose)# approach with a pose the hover-distance above the requested poseapproach.position.z = approach.position.z + self._hover_distance self._executor.move_to_pose(approach)def_retract(self):# retrieve current pose from endpoi...
1。现象move_group.getCurrentPose或许数据错误 更改前代码: 输出结果: rviz中的tf数据 发现第一次得到的数据是错误的。 2。解决办法: 在第一次创建move_group的后面加上 group.startStateMonitor(); 作用是开启状态监控器,使得move_group及时获取关节角。 此时的输出 可以发现现在得到的pose数据是对的了 内容所...
The problem arises with the question "the pose where the object is currently in" - there isMovingTo doesn't help, because it returns FALSE after the pose has been reached. So I included the explicit check of the current joint values against the pose target values in my 2nd model upload...
if(!costmap_ros->getRobotPose(current_pose)){ROS_ERROR("Could not get robot pose");returnfalse;} 打印current_pose,这个函数竟然返回的是odom坐标下的值,并不是全局坐标map下的值。 进入到Costmap2DROS这个类的函数中 boolCostmap2DROS::getRobotPose(tf::Stamped<tf::Pose>&global_pose)const{global_...
I want to get the pose of the UR5 end effecor using moveit, but moveit complains failure to get the current robot state. moveit did subscribe to /joint_states (one subscriber is /move_group) $ rostopic info /joint_states Type: sensor_msg...
在下文中一共展示了PlanningSceneConstPtr::getCurrentState方法的14个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于系统推荐出更棒的C++代码示例。 示例1: countSamplesPerSecond ▲点赞 6▼ doubleconstraint_samplers::countSamplesPerSecond(constmoveit_msgs:...
Get the current pose of a hand joint. C++ public:overrideboolTryGetJoint(Microsoft::MixedReality::Toolkit::Utilities::TrackedHandJoint joint, [Runtime::InteropServices::Out] Microsoft::MixedReality::Toolkit::Utilities::MixedRealityPose % pose); ...
Unreal Engine Blueprint API Reference Unreal Engine C++ API Reference Unreal Engine Python API Documentation objectTarget enumSource or Target Outputs TypeNameDescription nameReturn ValueGet the current retarget pose Ask questions and help your peersDeveloper Forums ...
Get the current pose of a hand joint. C++ Copy public: override bool TryGetJoint(Microsoft::MixedReality::Toolkit::Utilities::TrackedHandJoint joint, [Runtime::InteropServices::Out] Microsoft::MixedReality::Toolkit::Utilities::MixedRealityPose % pose); Parameters joint TrackedHandJoint p...