首先进入:https://start.spring.io/ 创建一个com.zifeiy.test的Spring Boot项目,并且包含了依赖:Web、MySQL、MyBatis。 然后我们在Eclipse中导入test项目。 这里跳过我们的MySQL安装过程,所以你在使用之前需要确保已经安装并启动了MySQL服务器,并且有一个名为testdb的database。 然后我们在applications.property文件中对...
GIT报错:Could not get HEAD hash. libgit2 returned:repository path "xx" is not owned by current user原因:重装了操作系统,当前git目录windows权限不一致 解决方案 在vs解决方案根目录下右键属性,打开窗口,并跳转到“安全选项卡”,如下图所示: 点【高级】按钮,弹出下面对话框: 输入当前登录Windows账号,作者是...
Synchronously get the current git commit hash, tag, count, branch or commit message. Forked fromgit-rev. Supports Node 4+. Example vargit=require('git-rev-sync');console.log(git.short());// 75bf4eeconsole.log(git.long());// 75bf4eea9aa1a7fd6505d0d0aa43105feafa92efconsole.log(git....
The Git commit command can also be used for creating new branches in the Git root directory. For that purpose, first, get the commit hash by running the “git log –oneline” command: git log--oneline Now, select the desired commit hash from the given output. For instance, we have chos...
The KeGetCurrentThread routine identifies the current thread.SyntaxC++ Kopyahin PKTHREAD KeGetCurrentThread(); Return valueKeGetCurrentThread returns a pointer to an opaque thread object.RemarksThis routine is identical to PsGetCurrentThread.
本文将介绍如何解决 Git 的 Could not get HEAD hash. libgit2 returned: repository path '***' is not owned bu current user 错误 今天重新安装了电脑操作系统,重新安装 git 软件以及客户端工具 TortoiseGit 软件。但是,在使用 git 对项目进行 pull (拉取)时,抛出了如下图的错误: ...
properties.state string Current state of the app. properties.storageAccountRequired boolean Checks if Customer provided storage account is required properties.suspendedTill string App suspended till in case memory-time quota is exceeded. properties.targetSwapSlot string Specifies which deployment ...
[Preview API] The Tree endpoint returns the collection of objects underneath the specified tree. Trees are folders in a Git repository.
git-link-default-remote Name of the remote to link to, defaults tonil. git-link-default-branch Name of the remote branch to link to, defaults to the current branch. git-link-open-in-browser Iftalso open the link viabrowse-url. To use an alternate function set to that function's symbol...
[!NOTE] This API is in preview. Returns the Git status of items in the workspace, that can be committed to Git.