VOA一分钟:Get Wind of Something 夺分英语 2024年07月07日 06:12 广东 视频加载失败,请刷新页面再试 刷新意为:听到某事的风声 人划线
一分钟英语:Get Wind of Something Welcome to English in a Minute. The wind blows many things, papers, leaves, hair. But the wind can blow other things, too. Secret things. Get Wind of Something 听到某事的风声 Jonathan:I have news. Cara is ge...
get wind of something是指以间接的方式了解秘密或重要的信息。 In the wild, many animals get information from the wind, too, like smells and sounds of other animals. 在野外,许多动物也可以从风中获取到信息,比如说其他动物的气味和声音。 And that's English in a Minute! 以上就是本期的《一分钟英...
哇。 To “get wind of something”means to learn secret or important information in an indirect way. “get wind of something”是指以间接的方式了解秘密或重要的信息。 Inthe wild, many animals get information from the wind ,too,like smells and sounds of other animals. 在野外,许多动物也可以从风...
Welcome to English in a Minute. The wind blows many things, papers, leaves, hair. But the wind can blow other things, too. Secret things. Get Wind of Something 听到某事的风声 Jonathan:I have news. Cara is getting married next weekend. ...
听到风声get wind of something如果他们听到风声,知道我们在搞什么,我们就很被动了。If they get wind of what we are doing, we’ll then be in a very passive position.
You’d better hope the press doesn’t get wind of this. 你最好指望新闻界没听到这件事的风声。 Examples from the Corpus get/have wind of something•The extension director and the Wyoming dean of agriculture finallygot wind ofwhat I was up to.•The notion of compulsion met a storm of ...
"get wind of (something)"To become aware of something, especially something being kept secret, through indirect means.知道、了解到某事,尤其是这件事还被当作秘密刻意隐瞒时I don't want Amy to get any wind of this until I'm ready.在我没有准备好之前,我不想让艾美听到任何风声。I don't want...
get wind of something to get to know about a plan or information, often when other people did not want you to 得知……秘密消息或计划 【例句】 I want nothing said about this until I give the word. I don't want the public, and especially not the press, to get wind of it at this ...
词汇get wind of something 释义 Idiom She didn’t want reporters getting wind of their plans. 时代网英语在线翻译词典收录了323754条英语词汇在线翻译词条,基本涵盖了全部常用英语词汇的中英文双语翻译及用法,是英语学习的有利工具。