4. to go after, take hold of, and bring (something) for oneself or another; fetch: She got the trunk from the attic. 5. to cause or cause to become, to do, to move, etc., as specified: to get one's hair cut; to get a fire to burn. 6. to communicate or establish communica...
The wind got so strong that I could no longer bicycle against it; I got off and walked. He had got off his horse and come into the woods. go out –get out –get off 1. 'go out' When you leave a building or room, you usually say that you go out of it or go out He threw...
The meaning of GET/HAVE A HANDLE ON is to understand and be able to deal with (something). How to use get/have a handle on in a sentence.
(also have it/things/everything (all) your (own) ˈway) get, believe or do what you want, usually in spite of the wishes or feelings of others:She always gets her own way in the end.♢All right, have it your own way — I’m tired of arguing. ...
Par excellence In the greatest degree of excellence; beyond comparison; preeminently; the epitome of something.Parvenu A person who has suddenly acquired wealth or power, especially one who is not fully accepted socially by the class into which he has risen; upstart....
The meaning of GET/HAVE A HANDLE ON is to understand and be able to deal with (something). How to use get/have a handle on in a sentence.
v.get the meaning of something 同义词:grokcomprehendsavvydiggraspcompassapprehend 学习怎么用 双语例句 If I have get the picture, then English people is nit good at learning language. 要是我明白了这意思,那就是说英国人不善于学习语言。 I wish I could get the picture of that accident out of ...
speech, laguage, tongue, slang, dialect, idiom这组词都有“语言”的意思,其区别是:speech特指人的口语,也指正式的讲话。laguage普通用词,含义广。指人的语言或文字,或动物的语言。既可指口头或书面语言,也可指手势语等。tongue书面用词,指人的语言,亦指人的母语。slang指俚语。dialect指一种语言中,某一...
When something vanishes, it is no longer visible. The clause where the caster vanishes clarifies that it is in done "to strike like the wind." After vanishing, the caster makes up to five attack rolls, which can be inferred as the "strik[ing] like the wind"...
Was all eyes meaning? :very attentive She wasall eyes as I opened the box. What does the idiom When Pigs Fly mean? US, informal. —used to saythat one thinks that something will never happen The train station will be renovated when pigs fly. ...