1. Stacey stopped to drink some water , she made a pause during her jogging.Some verbs can be used both with the Gerund and the Infinitive,but in some cases the meaning of sentence become different …
Although the difference in meaning is small with these particular verbs, and gerunds and infinitives can often be used interchangeably, there is still a meaning difference. Using a gerund suggests that you are referring to real activities or experiences. Using an infinitive suggests that you are ta...
Forms of Infinitives and Gerundsto cry (infinitive) to have cried (the perfect infinitive) to be crying (the continuous infinitive) to have been crying (the perfect contiuous infinitive) to be painted (the passive infinitive) crying (gerund) having cried (the perfect gerund) having been crying...
There is no quick and easy way to learn gerunds and infinitives. It takes years of practice and familiarity with the English language. Next time you read or listen to a VOA Learning English story, pay attention to use of gerund...
Comparing Gerunds, Participles, and Infinitives COMPARING GERUNDS AND PARTICIPLES Look at the pair of sentences below. In the first, the use of a gerund (functioning as a noun) allows the meaning to be expressed more precisely than in the second. In the first sentence, the interrupting, a sp...
1.a form in Latin regularly derived from a verb and functioning as a noun, used in all cases but the nominative, asdicendīgen.,dicendōdat., abl., etc., “saying.” 2.a form similar to the Latin gerund in meaning or function, as in English the-ingform of a verb when functioning...
Verbs Followed by Gerunds OR Infinitives (Different Meaning)f t g+ pbegin She began singing. She began to sing. When "begin" is used in non-continuous tenses, you can either use a gerund or an infinitive. She is beginning to sing. When "begin" is used in continuous tenses, an ...
geandcultureandtheirs Infinitives whenthemeaningishypotheticalorfuture orunfulfilled,aninfinitiveisoftenused .动动动动动动动动动动动动动动当那个意思是假的,将来要生的,没有完成 动动动动动动动动动动动动的候,需要用不定式。 – Sheexpectstobethereby11:00. – IwanttogotoHainanduringthewintervaca tion. –...
Learning when to use gerunds (speaking) and when to use infinitives (to speak) can be one of the most challenging parts of learning English. For this reason, Englishpage.com has created the Internet's most in-depth tutorial including 30 exercises as well as gerunds and infinitives reference ...
Q:Gerundsand infinitives. I've mastered them a long time ago,I understand how they work,what they do,and moreover there are similar constructions in my native tounge (Russian). But really,sometimes I pass some school grammar tests (that old-ass school education,formal British English,obsolete...