Gerunds can either stand alone, or they can take a noun (the object of the gerund) and/or modifier(s) to form agerund phrase. Continue reading... ger·und (jĕr′ənd) n. 1.In Latin, a noun derived from a verb and having all case forms except the nominative. ...
Q:I'm so confused with usinggerundsand infinitive. Can you help me to find out the differences. example: The most important thing is learning The most important thing is to learn. Thanks alot用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說? A:That makes sense!
First of all, thank you. Nice explanation. I’m not a native speaker, and don’t know grammar much, but “We go hunting birds every winter.”, sounds to me more natural than “We go to hunt birds every winter.”, and an object is used directly after “hunting”, could you please ...