The word itself came into English in 1852—the same year that Froebel died. Flak There are a number of German words that came into English during the two World Wars.Flakis one of them. Flakcame into English in the 1930s and originally referred to anti-aircraft guns, and then later to ...
Define German language. German language synonyms, German language pronunciation, German language translation, English dictionary definition of German language. Noun 1. German language - the standard German language; developed historically from West Germa
The Interglot Translation Dictionary can be used to search for Dutch, English, German, French, Spanish, and Swedish translations.
More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See More 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By Even More Words That Sound Like Insults But Aren't 10 Words from Taylor Swift Songs (Merriam's Version) More Words with Remarkable Origins ...
Delve into the amusing side of the German language with a collection of funny phrases and unique words that showcase its expressive charm.
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Enter the German words, phrases, scentenses or pargraph that you want to translate. Click the translate button and you will get the German to Chinese (Simplified) translation immediately.Can i translate Chinese (Simplified) to German? Yes, You can translate Chinese (Simplified) to German with...
Weltschmerzis well-known enough to be considered an English loanword. Learn other German words reaching a linguisticzeitgeistin English. Besserwisser No one likes a know-it-all—or, as they say in German, aBesserwisser[bes-suh-vih-suh].Besserwisseris the same concept, though, asbessermeans “...
It is the first mobile telephone translation service to be offered in the world that translates single words, phrases, sentences and web pages from one language to another. It utilises advanced mobile telephone technology coupled with our unique translation technology to provide a cheap and easy to...