The standard German pistol round was the 9 mm Parabellum with the designation Pistolenpatrone 08. The bullet of the round was the Pistolengeschoß 08. Schweres Spitzgeschoß (s. S.) The schweres Spitzgeschoß (heavy, pointed bullet) was the standard bullet used in rifles and machine...
pistol, spray gun Plan: 1. intention, meaning, plan | 2. design, diagram, plan, plane | 3. plan, project, scheme Planet: 1. planet Planke: 1. fence, palisade Platane: 1. plane, plane-tree, sycamore Platin: 1. platinum Platz: 1. place | 2. location, place, spot | 3. plaza,...
Abzugsschnur / lanyard (Ord). Abzugsstange / sear -(pistol). Abzugsstift?» trigger pin (R). Abzugsstollen m sear, sear nose (R). Abzugsstück« trigger piece, firing lever (G). Abzugsvorrichtung / trigger mechanism (SA); firing mechanism (Ord). Abzugswelle/ firing rod (AA gu...
MG13, MG15, Schwarzlose, RPD, PK Series, RPK, FG42, ZB26/30, ZB-37, G3, MP5, MP18/I, MP28/II, MP34, MP38/40, MP44, StG58, MKb42, AK47, AK74, DP, 98k, .22 Caliber Rifle, SKS, PPK, Flare Pistol, Luger, P38, Makarov, UZI, MG-FF, S18-, Breda 30, PAK 38, 2 ...
German Reich (1943) Self-Propelled Gun Battery – None Built This vehicle, known only from a single blueprint, is possibly one of the strangest tracked war machines ever designed. German blueprint HSK 3485, dated 15 June 1943, named Project “NM”, shows a monstrous and ungainly vehicle ...
German Reich (1943) Ammunition Supply Vehicle – 6 Converted Even before the outbreak of the Second World War, the Germans were aware that an ammunition supply vehicle based on a tank chassis was desirable. Given the limited production capacity for tanks, allocating resources for such a project ...
Even upon its eventual evolution from the Mkb42, the fear of revealing the true nature of the project was evident in the designation of the radically different new design as aMaschinen Pistole(machine pistol) as it was known that Hitler approved of the MP-40 submachine gun. The MP-43 was...
The action of the gun itself is based on the Maxim MG08/18 air-cooled machine gun, using the same type of recoil-operated toggle lock, just scaled down to a the 9mm Parabellum pistol cartridge. Instead of having the recoil (fusee) spring on the outside of the gun, in this case it ...
The kit includes a new right hand turret half without the rear escape hatch as applicable to the early 1943 Tigers with the bolted pistol port added in its place.The drum cupola is in two halves with vision slits included with a separate top ring and hatch with internal details and ...