E.M.D All goods Product Detail Share to: Price: $19.80 $22.00 销量:0 comment:0 Quantity: Stock:100 Add to CartBUY Detail Review(0) 是否切换为中文版网站? 确定取消
German Navy Lieutenant Hat Suit Price: $98.00 $0.00 销量:0 comment:0 size: 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Quantity: Stock:100 Add to CartBUY Detail Review(0) 是否切换为中文版网站? 确定取消
These HDRK hewer were for the EM/NCO's ranks in the Deutschen Roten Kreuz. The blade is in excellent shiny original as found condition. This Red Cross hewer comes with its original DRK frog. The back of the frog is marked with the letter "H". Priced to sell! Just click on the pict...