Original 1943 Dated Royal Navy 'Coats, Duffle' - Size 4 ¥7,300(approx conversion from £795) Original 1948 Dated British Army Other Ranks Service Dress Cap - 7 1/8 ¥1,300(approx conversion from £140) WWI PERIOD ROYAL NAVAL MOTOR BOAT RESERVE BROOCH ...
Life was hard for soldiers and conscientious objectors alike during World War 1. Find out why men became "Conchies" and how they were treated.
The first offensive was a success despite terrible losses and lack of coordination, mostly thanks to the shock and awe produced by their appearance in the German lines. They also had a tremendous propaganda value, and triggered a sudden, somewhat irrational morale boost in the infantry ranks, ...
On the naval front France had purposely overlooked building modern aircraft carriers and focused instead on four new conventional battleships, not unlike the German Navy. France and World War II Picture - The personal emblem of Philippe P�tain was a stylized francisca, which was featured on an...