CrewImperial German Navyprisonersnaval trainingCrew 1910Heinz Kraschutzki grew up wishing to join the Imperial German Navy's officer ranks. Yet after his service in the First World War he first joined the communist Bremerhaven Soldiers' Council before becoming a radical pacifist until his death. ...
F6F NAVY HELLCAT, NAZI SUBS, AND THE BAJA MEXICO CRASH SITE Footnote[4] At the time of the battle between the Admiral Graf Spee and the British warships off the coast of Argentina in December 1939 there was amongst the officer ranks a man by the name of Jurgen Wattenberg. Wattenberg would...
The ranks of the Socialist Party of America swelled and showed their muscle in November 1936, electing John ‘Jack’ Reed was elected President of the United States of America. Budgets for the military and Mittelafrikan, East Asian and Eastern European regions were quickly deemed ‘secondary’ ...
The German Empire is the leader ofMitteleuropa, more formally known as the Central European Customs Union, an economic bloc formed during the early 1920s to cement German economic hegemony across the European continent. Not only Germany's direct Eastern European satellite states (Oststaaten) are pa...
This is a nice WWII German 2nd model WKC navy dagger with a beautiful Orange Grip, Deluxe Scabbard and original bullion portepee. There is a light dent in both sides of the scabbard that is barley noticeable and could be removed by the new owner. The cross guard is also loose which is...
Four-Star General Officer Ranks Stars & Generals – Part Six: Five-Star General Officer Ranks Stars & Generals – Part Seven: Six-Star General Officer Ranks Stars & Generals – Part Eight: Seven-Star General Officer Ranks Stars & Generals – Part Nine: Miscellaneous Sta...
Famous Namesakes: American social activist Dorothea Dix, first female captain of the Swedish navy Dorothea Maria Lösch Peak Popularity: Dorothea’s popularity reached its height in the 1910s, while the alternate spelling of Dorothy peaked in the 1920s.2 ...
The Hitlerjugend (HJ) come to you today with the question: why are you still outside the ranks of the HJ? We take it that you accept your Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler. But you can only do this if you also accept the HJ created by him. If you are for the Fuehrer, therefore for the HJ...
Faced with an effective British blockade, fierce resistance from the British and French armies, the entrance of the United States Army, political unrest and starvation at home, an economy in ruins, mutiny in the navy, and mounting defeats on the battlefield, German generals requested armistice ...
Skorzeny developed colic, was invalided home to Vienna, and assigned as an Engineering Officer to a reserve regiment in Berlin. In the autumn of 1942, Waffen SS divisions were being converted into armored divisions, so he applied for a transfer and became the regimental Engineer of the 3rd ...