德国【英文】 German th7 GradeGerman HereisashortintroductionofsomeeventsinGermanhistory.TheGermanFlag SymbolOfGermany GermanyToday TheStartofWorldWarI •WorldwarIstartedintheBalkans.•OnJune28,1914,archdukeFranzFerdinandofAustriaHungaryandhiswifeweremurderedinSarajevo,BosniaHerzegovina.AmericaEnterstheWar •...
I would like to see something about the German internment camps or the German POW camps in America during WWI and WWII. Many were falsely accused and some natural born citizens were deported. However in some camps many were treated better than in the Japanese camps-There were usually dozens ...
During WWI, Germany did not produce many propaganda leaflets and those that were produced were disseminated very late in the war. This rare 1918 single-sided WWI leaflet is addressed to American “Coloured” soldiers and promises them a nice heated room and plenty of food in the warm south of...
This song was not written during WWII, but rather WWI! Interestingly(because of its political implications during WWII: Rommel’s Afrikakorps,other than capturing the Suez Canal, was also fighting for the return ofthe former German colonies in Africa), it was a song sung by the “DeutscheSchu...
My friend, Jo Williams, who lived in Shanghai during the war told me: We used to walk by the huge Nazi swastika flag hanging from the upper floors down to street level on the Bund in Shanghai. I have childhood memories of bad vibes coming from that dark sinister flag. I never entered...
Today, the historical importance of the High Seas Fleet ships that were left, coupled with the many other shipwrecks in the area, make for one of the world’s most prolific wreck sites. After all, where ease can you dive three German WWI dreadnought battleships and four cruisers all lying ...
During WWI, in 1916 the Serbian Parliament in exile decided the creation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia at a meeting inside the Municipal Theatre of Corfu. The kingdom was formed on 1 December 1918 under the name “Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes” Formed after World War I, new stat...