•DuringworldwarIItheB-24bomberswereusedtostrikefactories,railroads,andotherindustrialtargets.SomeCasualtiesofWorldWarII Prisoners Homeless GermanyAtTheEndOfWWII UnificationofEastGermanyandWestGermany •Oct.3,1990,millionsofGermanscelebratedthroughoutthecountry,includingthesepeopleatBerlin'sBrandenburgGate.
WWII German militaria wanted! WWII German daggers, swords, uniforms, helmets, hats, medals, badges, flags, etc. WE PAY YOU TODAY!
In October 1946, The Propaganda Branch, Intelligence Division, based in the Pentagon, Washington D.C., published a report entitledA Syllabus of Psychological Warfare.It was prepared to give quick answers about Psywar to the press that wanted to know what the United States had done during WWII....
Interestingly(because of its political implications during WWII: Rommel’s Afrikakorps,other than capturing the Suez Canal, was also fighting for the return ofthe former German colonies in Africa), it was a song sung by the “DeutscheSchutztruppe” in German East Africa (now Tanzania) under Ge...
Northern Minnesota. While there, I saw a Luftwaffe dagger hanging on the wall of the camp office. That dagger was a "war souvenir" brought back to the States by a G.I. at the end of WWII. Many veterans who served in the European theatre during WWII brought back such German war ...
My friend, Jo Williams, who lived in Shanghai during the war told me: We used to walk by the huge Nazi swastika flag hanging from the upper floors down to street level on the Bund in Shanghai. I have childhood memories of bad vibes coming from that dark sinister flag. I never entered...
I have lived in two towns where camps were located for German Americans during WWII. My Dad has stories passed down from his dad about his dad who knew people who had been falsely put into the camps. For me this has always been apart of my own history and a part of America's ...
“Most of Japan’s defense production and technological base was lost at the end of WWII. The newly established JSDF (Japan Self-Defense Forces, established in 1954) was dependent on US deliveries and leases of defense equipment by the U.S., butJapan strived to strengthen its defense producti...
DAVID CHILD-DENNIS: Top Secret � German WWII Submarine Found North Of Auckland Footnote[6] When I was in the military I was found in a ditch beside the road totally unconscious with my stomach ripped open. I was taken to a field hospital where it was clear I had flatlined. De...
Actually they do. We dont like to think about it but the Federal government has a lot of power. Ask any decentest of Japanese Americans interned in camps during WWII. Rino Huntersaid: ( March 28th, 2024 @ 9:11 pm ) In the United States, the national government had no au...