embassy Gesang: 1. singing | 2. song Geschehnis: 1. chance, event, occurence, opportunity Geschenk: 1. gift, present Geschichte: 1. story, history | 2. account, narrative, story, tale Geschick: 1. destiny, fate, fortune, luck Geschicklichkeit: 1. expertness, skilfulness, skill, ...
Assistance by the Germany Consulate in Hong Kong For additional consulate information please contact the Germany consulate directly. When there is no Germany Consulate located in Hong Kong you can either contact a consulate in mainland China or contact the embassy in Beijing....
The beer house will serve typical German food and have German dancing, music playing and theatre shows on stage. Eventually such a beer house has the ambition to become the number one embassy of German culture and the meeting place for Indo-German relationship building. From the numerous likewis...
As aresult, West Germanywasforced to closeits embassyin Cairoandrecalltheambassador.³⁸“Nowhereintheworld have Iseensuchan impudentpeopleas theWest Germans”,Nasserdeclaredin aspeechonedayafterErhard’sannouncementto recognizeIsrael.³⁹Despite thebreakdownof relations,thestaffof theembassy’...
Learn4good provides general information on study, travel, work visa and business visa requirements and the addresses of embassies worldwide. You should contact your local embassy or consulate for the most up-to-date information or visa forms....
Annex in letter of the MHF-Expertengruppe (Engenharia) to the political department of the GDR embassy in Mozambique, June 1987 (BArch/DR3/II.Schicht/1538). 103. See interviews with East German cooperantes, and Voß, Wir haben Spuren. 104. Grajek, Berichte aus…, 15. 105. At this ...
auspices of the Federal Republic of German Embassy in Jakarta, honors fallen members of the German military. It could be when the plans were made available to the crew at large not all agreed with what was being done. Out voted a small number could have possibly been put adrift in life ...
eng.embassyusa.cn 我认为我们今天已经看到了我们的努力所取得的成果:我一走进博物馆,就有一大群中国和美国儿童挥舞着旗子欢迎我;随后是聆听中国和美国学生优美的合唱,他们以充沛的感情演唱了两支歌曲,一支是英文的,另一支是中文的;之后是听 取副国务卿和副部长扼要阐述已经完成的各项工作和今后的工作任务的报告;然后...