South Africa South Korea South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Togo Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan ...
When you are in Hong Kong and in need of consular assistance from the Germany consulate you should contact them directly. Assistance by the Germany Consulate in Hong Kong For additional consulate information please contact the Germany consulate directly. When there is no Germany Consulate located in...
During the fighting, Khālid escaped and took refuge at the German consulate, whence he was conveyed to German East Africa. After the battle, Ḥamud ibn Moḥammed, favoured by the British, was installed as sultan. In 1897 the legal status of slavery was finally abolished. In 1913 the...
consulate Kontakt: 1. contact Konterbande: 1. contraband Kontinent: 1. continent, mainland Konto: 1. account Kontor: 1. office Kontrast: 1. contrast Kontribution: 1. contribution Kontur: 1. contour, outline Konus: 1. cone Konvention: 1. convention Konversation: 1. conversation Konvulsion: ...
And then during the Mas a Fuera sojourn word reached Spee’s squadron from the German consulate in San Francisco that “the [battlecruiser rescue] operation has apparently begun.” Spee hoped to reach Santa Elena, Argentina, 500 miles northeast of the Falklands, ...
Riding strong on the uplifting themes of the evening, the Guest of Honour, Dr. Juergen Morhard, Consul General, German Consulate General, Mumbai, took the stage to deconstruct what it meant to have dreams, the central theme of the evening.“Dreams without goals are always meant to simply re...
GDRGermanteachinginEgypt.The aimwasto replaceWest Germany fromits traditionalpositionsin thefield.AbdulWahabEl-Boro-losy,EgyptianMinisterof ResearchandHigherEducation,andrepresentativesof theEgyptianMinistryof Educationpromisedat ameetingwiththeCulturalDepartment of theConsulateGeneral andtheKIZto supporttheideas...
Learn4good provides general information on study, travel, work visa and business visa requirements and the addresses of embassies worldwide. You should contact your local embassy or consulate for the most up-to-date information or visa forms....
When he went into the German consulatein New Yorkto apply for his German passport, which should be arriving any day now, Mayerowitz said he felt a sense of pride. “I walked into the consulate and was like, this is now also my country,” he said....