Don't let incorrect answers deter you! "German Articles - Der Die Das" encourages growth by allowing you to restart the game with your missed answers. Embrace challenges as chances to learn and evolve. ▸▸▸ Embark on a Learning Adventure: ...
Don't let incorrect answers deter you! "German Articles - Der Die Das" encourages growth by allowing you to restart the game with your missed answers. Embrace challenges as chances to learn and evolve. ▸▸▸ Embark on a Learning Adventure: ...
Humankind's last mystery resolved: the correct use of der, die, das articles in German grammar! A fun, hand-drawn app that makes you a pro in no time! Your favourite Der, Die, Das app - promised. DIE APP (or das App - both are correct :)) ...
few aspects cause quite as much confusion as understanding the different articles. In English, the word “the” is so commonplace and simple to get to grips with that we take it for granted, but there is no simple “the” in German, you have to learn whether to useder, dieordas, depe...
Neues SpielÜber das Wort lernenPlay full version ? Willkommen zum WordHub! Baue so viele Wörter wie möglich aus den Buchstaben in dem Rad, bevor die Zeit abläuft! Mit der Maus spielen: Klicke auf einen Buchstaben zum Entfernen/Hinzufügen. Klicke auf den roten Kreis, um alle zu...
German has different words for "the" depending on a noun's gender. Here are the most important patterns for deciding between "der," "die," and "das"!
Humankind's last mystery resolved: the correct use of der, die, das articles in German grammar! A fun, hand-drawn app that makes you a pro in no time! Your favourite Der, Die, Das app - promised. DIE APP (or das App - both are correct :)) Learn 40 secret rules that even your...
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We all know how difficult “der die das” article learning is.A lot of German gender nouns don’t fall under a Grammar rule which means you need to memorize German articles. Memorizing and training in der die das is now made easy through the “Der Die Das – German Game of Articles”...
35_Learn German _ How to introduce someone _ Wer ist das _ German for beginners 08:14 36_Learn German _ Articles _ bestimmte Artikel _ der, die, das _ German for begi 09:08 37_Learn German _ Articles _ unbestimmte Artikel _ ein, eine _ German for beginn ...