Learn about German noun declension. See a German declension chart, learn the difference between der, die, and das, and see how noun declension...
Raab worked on a variety of projects during his early entertainment career, including "Das Kaffeehaus" (1970) starring Margit Carstensen, "Die Niklashauser Fahrt" with Michael König (1970) and "Love Is Colder Than Death" with Ulli Lommell (1969). He also contributed to "Pioniere in ...
Why is it that Germans know this stuff and we don’t? It just sounds right to them to saydie Brücke(the bridge) instead ofdas Brücke, in the same way that English speakers think “change a diaper” sounds better than “switch a diaper.” Native speakers simply don’t get confused ab...
The definite articles are“der” (masculine),“die” (feminine) and “das” (neuter), and the indefinite ones are “ein” (masculine),“eine” (feminine), and “ein” (neuter). Each noun has a given “gender”. Some of them seem intuitive: for example,“die Frau” (the woman —...
Luckily, you'll need only to commit five accusative prepositions to memory. Further making these prepositions easier to learn by rote: only the masculinegender(der) changes in the accusative case. The plural, feminine (die) and neuter (das) genders don't change in the accusative. ...
The pronunciation and translation of each term are provided in the chart. Vocabulary Pronunciation Translation das Wetter dahs VETT-ehr the weather der Wind dehr sind the wind das Klima dahs KLEE-mah the climate die Klimata dee KLEE-mah-tah the climates die Feuchtigkeit dee FOYKH-tisch-...
German adjectives, like English ones, usually go in front of the noun they modify: "derguteMann" (the good man), "dasgroßeHaus" (the big house/building), "dieschöneDame" (the pretty lady). Unlike English adjectives, aGerman adjectivein front of a noun has to have an ending (-...
Sample text (50 to 200 words): Im Laufe der Jahre hat sich das Unternehmen ein gut ausgebautes Distributionsnetz in Europa aufgebaut und arbeitet darüber hinaus mit weltweiten Vertriebspartnern erfolgreich zusammen, um die hochwertigen Geräteträger zu vertreiben und die Kunden vor Ort zu ...
It's easier to choose the correct case when you're familiar with the changes of the definite (der, die, das) and indefinite articles (ein, eine, ein). I've created this German cases chart to remind you of the different changes you've seen so far.Just...
Die Katze sitzt auf dem Stuhl.(The cat sits on the chair.) The dative is also used when there is no particular direction or goal intended. For example: Sie ist die ganze Zeit in der Stadt herumgefahren.| (She drove around town all day.) ...