Learn about German noun declension. See a German declension chart, learn the difference between der, die, and das, and see how noun declension works with examples. Related to this Question How to say German in German How do you say yes it is in German?
The following charts show the four cases with the definite article (der, die,ordas) andthe indefinite article. Note that keineis the negative ofeine, which has no plural form. Butkeine(no/none) can be used in the plural. For example: Er hatkeineBücher.(He has no books.) In Venedig ...
Raab worked on a variety of projects during his early entertainment career, including "Das Kaffeehaus" (1970) starring Margit Carstensen, "Die Niklashauser Fahrt" with Michael König (1970) and "Love Is Colder Than Death" with Ulli Lommell (1969). He also contributed to "Pioniere in...
The definite articles are“der” (masculine),“die” (feminine) and “das” (neuter), and the indefinite ones are “ein” (masculine),“eine” (feminine), and “ein” (neuter). Each noun has a given “gender”. Some of them seem intuitive: for example,“die Frau” (the woman —...
The Definite Articles: Der, Die and Das Definite articles are the equivalent of the. Here’s what they look like in each case, for each gender. CaseMasculineNeuterFemininePlural Nominative Der Das Die Die Accusative Den Das Die Die Dative Dem Dem Der Den Genitive Des Des Der Der Let’s ...
Luckily, you'll need only to commit five accusative prepositions to memory. Further making these prepositions easier to learn by rote: only the masculinegender(der) changes in the accusative case. The plural, feminine (die) and neuter (das) genders don't change in the accusative. ...
In German, you use welche and der, die, or das.Typically, these connecting words allow us to describe something in more detail. Example: Das ist die Frau, die Musik spielt. (That's the woman that plays music.) Example: Dort sind die Kinder, mit dem sie gespielt haben. (There are ...
der Haustürschlüssel:das Haus(house)+die Tür(door)+der Schlüssel(key) - house key die Schlagzeuge:der Schlag(hit) +die Zeuge(things) - drums When forming German compound words, a set of rules determines how words should be connected and how to identify the gender of the noun. This...
German adjectives, like English ones, usually go in front of the noun they modify: "derguteMann" (the good man), "dasgroßeHaus" (the big house/building), "dieschöneDame" (the pretty lady). Unlike English adjectives, aGerman adjectivein front of a noun has to have an ending (-...
der das die or plural 3. plug in chart How to solve Relativpronomen 1. identify first sentence nom akku or dativ 2. identify der die das or plural when a modalverb appears the other verb is infinitiv and appears at the end of the sentence indirect or direct questions about time Wann ...