Armee: 1. army Armenien: 1. Armenia Armenier: 1. Armenian Armut: 1. poverty Arnheim: 1. Arnhem Arnika: 1. arnica Aroma: 1. aroma, flavour Arrak: 1. rack, arrack Arrest: 1. apprehension, arrest, detention Arrestant: 1. arrested person, prisoner Arrowroot: 1. arrowroot Arsch: 1. ...
Armeebrief stelle / army postal station. Armeefeldlazarett n army surgical hospital. Armeegebiet n army area. Armeegruppe/ task force usually comprising one army and miscellaneous units. Armeeintendant m army Intendant (Adm official at army Hq in charge of rations, clothing, equipment, pay, etc...
In the 21 March 1942 issue of the German Army news bulletin, a notice by Inspectorate 2 was issued stating that S. m. K. H. ammunition would no longer be issued to units. Rifle ammunition distribution All the types of rifle ammunition could be fired by all German standard-issue rifles ...
German Reich (1943) Self-Propelled Gun Battery – None Built This vehicle, known only from a single blueprint, is possibly one of the strangest tracked war machines ever designed. German blueprint HSK 3485, dated 15 June 1943, named Project “NM”, shows a monstrous and ungainly vehicle ...
Yugoslavia M53/MG42 Armorer's Manual - Yugoslavia Military Issue Mitraljez i Puskomitraljez 7.9 mm M53 i M42-Heavy and Light Machine Gun 7.9 mm M53 and MG42.I now have the 1963 dated Yugoslavian Army manual for M53/MG42 repair in English. This is a VERY detailed manual (186 pages) and...
German Reich (1939-1945) Tank Driving School Vehicles – Unknown Number Built German Fahrschulwanne The German Army needed vehicles to train tank crew drivers but the big problem was fuel. Diesel and gasoline (petrol) was required for front line vehicles and there was a massive shortage with ...
Specifications for the weapon that would utilize this new cartridge were developed and published in 1941 by the HwaA (Heereswaffenamt, or Army Weapons Office), and two established arms manufacturers emerged at the head of the competition, Walther and Haenel. The Haenel design was deemed the most...
Note that for some reason the drum (Trommel) magazine of Luger pistol was not used. Do you know reason to rejection of drum magazine? Reply eon says: May 10, 2014 at 5:38 am The Trommelmagazin 08 wasn’t all that reliable in feeding, as the German Army learned when they tried to...
Often shortened to G43 in the Call of Duty series, this early / mid-WWII German Army issue semi-automatic rifle is a popular gun here at Rock Island Auction Company. The Walther G43 will be familiar to fans of Call of Duty: Finest Hour in the "Into the Heartland" level, where a ca...