Butler hasn't stayed at quite that level of cut since then, but the Scottish actor has worked his way into impressive shape for other action-packed films like Law Abiding Citizen, Den of Thieves, and the Olympus Has Fallen series. To build up his body for a few of these roles, Butler...
The cast included Gerard Butler (300, The Ugly Truth, Law Abiding Citizen, How To Train Your Dragon), Stellan Skarsgard (Pirates of the Caribbean, Good Will Hunting), Rory McCann (Game of Thrones), Ronan Vibert, Sarah Polley, Eddie Marsan, Tony Curran and Ingvar Sigurdsson. It was the ...
GerardButler 20-09-25 13:18 来自gerardbutler超话 我想我非常清楚莫瑞娜•巴卡林那时在想什么了“为啥你们男人的裤子口袋总比女人的大呢?”我兜子里就装了一瓶水。回想起在剧组生活的日子 #电影##格陵兰# I think I know exactly what Morena Baccarin is thinking here - “WHY are men's pockets so ...
("From Spartan to softie," says the New York Daily News. "Gerard Butler packs on the holiday pounds and shows off his new beach body.")While I am on the record as being a fan of Butler and his work, I must admit that I'm taking some joy in the revelation that he's been ...
“I’m literally driving and I’m being told beforehand,Don’t go there because you’ll blow up,” Butler says. “It’s very visceral for me.” He’s become adept at imagining the CGI, too, a skill he learned shooting300. “Suddenly I was facing off against armies that were makeup...
My Body Troubles; Hollywood Superstar Gerard Butler Talks Us through His Super Scars and the On-Set Bumps and Bruises That Caused Them. Also Fresh from Saving the President in His New Movie, the Big-Screen Action Hero Reveals Hopes of Becoming a Broadway Song and Dance Man Read preview ...
A motorcycle crash nearly killed him, and a few box office bombs nearly killed his career. But Gerard Butler, star of the gritty crime thriller Den of Thieves, is back in the saddle and charging hard as ever.
adapted from the popular video game series, doesn’t open until April 29.Zootopia, which has an anti-bigotry message, more than tripled the starkly xenophobic, us-vs.-them Donald Trump wet dreamLondon Has Fallen, which pits Gerard Butler against an onslaught of Middle Eastern terrorists, and...