好莱坞巨星夫妇的顶级名利场“大片”🎬 Amal & George Clooney纽约出席晚会造型 温柔的波浪金发,腕间耳边点缀的钻石珠宝,恰到好处勾勒线条的Atelier Versace丝绒长裙,这组台阶上的回眸捕捉尤其美了~ # - Twice-Chic于20241120发布在抖音,已经收获了400.2万个喜欢
根据People Magazine的报道,George Clooney和其妻子Amal Clooney已于英国当地时间周二上午迎接了他们人生中的第一对宝宝! Amal这次怀上的是一对龙凤胎,男宝宝的名字叫做Alexander,女宝宝的名字叫做Ella.目前Amal和双胞胎宝宝们都非常的健康,生产过程也很顺利!由于Amal本人从小在英国长大,并且她的律师事务所也位于英国,...
乔治•克鲁尼George Clooney & Amal Clooney被拍到在科莫湖一家餐厅约会共进晚餐 情深处甜蜜亲吻 超有爱 2024-8-8 û收藏 1 1 ñ26 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 时尚博主 Ü 简介: Daily inspiration of street style(图片均来自于...
乔治克鲁尼George Clooney带着爱妻Amal现身华盛顿机场~Amal身穿橘色短外套搭配牛仔裤尽显大长腿~
'Congratulations are in order for George and Amal Clooney!' “我们的祝贺也将送给乔治和阿迈勒•克鲁尼夫妇!” The talk show host added: 'What we did find out is that the twins are due this June.' 朱莉还说道:“我们得知他俩的双胞胎宝贝的预产期是今年六月份。” ...
1993: George Clooney and Talia Balsam Get Divorced Before George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin's relationship began, the actor had a string of high-profile relationships. George Clooney was previously married to ex-wife Talia Balsam, a fellow actor, from 1989 to 1993. After their divorce, he...
Amal Clooney (I) Julia Roberts’ 5’8” Frame and the Heels That Define Her Style 12/4/2024 by Anne De Guia Your Next Shoes George Clooney “Hit vs Flop” Ratio: Besides “Gravity”, Has He Tasted Any Box-Office Success? 11/27/2024 ...
Amal Clooney (I) George Clooney’s Broadway Debut: All You Need to Know 12/14/2024 by Mahin Sultan FandomWire Julia Roberts’ 5’8” Frame and the Heels That Define Her Style 12/4/2024 by Anne De Guia Your Next Shoes George Clooney “Hit vs Flop” Ratio: Besides “Gravity”, Has ...
George Clooney is an American actor and filmmaker who was a popular leading man and a respected director and screenwriter. His movies included Three Kings (1999), O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000), Ocean’s Eleven (2001), Syriana (2005), Up in the Air (2
【George Cl..浪漫升温!爱不能挡!准夫妻老乔和Amal最近在Lake Como又是亲吻拥抱,又是共享食物,又是拉手乘船的...你们感受下...昨天Amal刚刚通过老乔的发言人发布声明说自己太忙,目前有8个案子推掉了