好莱坞巨星夫妇的顶级名利场“大片”🎬 Amal & George Clooney纽约出席晚会造型 温柔的波浪金发,腕间耳边点缀的钻石珠宝,恰到好处勾勒线条的Atelier Versace丝绒长裙,这组台阶上的回眸捕捉尤其美了~ # - Twice-Chic于20241120发布在抖音,已经收获了400.2万个喜欢
乔治•克鲁尼George Clooney & Amal Clooney被拍到在科莫湖一家餐厅约会共进晚餐 情深处甜蜜亲吻 超有爱 2024-8-8 û收藏 1 1 ñ26 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 时尚博主 Ü 简介: Daily inspiration of street style(图片均来自于...
Amal Clooney's & George Clooney's Love Story 他们的爱情常常被比作童话! 💗 2013年,他们通过一位共同的朋友在意大利相识。两人年龄相差17岁,相识时阿迈勒35岁,乔治52岁。 #终于 - WhaleBean Lifestyle于20231108发布在抖音,已经收获了3324个喜欢,来抖音,记录
周三,乔治·克鲁尼的妻子(George Clooney)的妻子阿玛尔·克鲁尼(Amal Clooney)现身伦敦一家著名的餐厅Chiltern Firehouse。这位46岁的人权律师身穿一件米色的毛皮长款外套,脚上一双亮面的漆皮长靴,本来就高的阿玛尔穿着高筒靴,更显得腿长了。阿玛尔手上拎了一只路易威登的绗缝包,据悉价值5350英镑。披着一头...
2014年9月,好莱坞男神乔治·克鲁尼和美女律师Amal Clooney,在意大利顺利完婚~ 男神当时包下了豪华酒店,为他和爱妻的大婚庆祝了三天三夜。 从此之后,男神的婚姻问题就一直牵动着我们吃瓜群众们的心。 George Clooney and Amal Clooney wereofficially marriedon September 27, 2014, at Ca' Farsetti. They were marri...
George And Amal Clooney Launch App To Fight Global Criminal Injustice 2391 -- 0:43 App Amal在纽约参加商务会议,安保措施严格 1718 -- 0:28 App Amal Clooney跟妈妈吃饭,仿若巨星被跟拍 2192 -- 4:11 App Amal and George Clooney talk to Syrian families in Berlin 1376 -- 1:20 App 2019年...
Amal Clooney and George Clooney attend the Clooney Foundation For Justice's Albies Sept. 28, 2023, in New York City.(Cindy Ord/Getty Images) "What is the gift? What is it you found out? It was clay," George said. "Wasn't it tin?" Amal asked, to whichher husbandreplied, "It was...
Amal Clooney (I) Julia Roberts’ 5’8” Frame and the Heels That Define Her Style 12/4/2024 by Anne De Guia Your Next Shoes George Clooney “Hit vs Flop” Ratio: Besides “Gravity”, Has He Tasted Any Box-Office Success? 11/27/2024 ...
Amal Clooney and George ClooneyJacopo Raule/GC Images “George and Amal are more in love than ever,” the insider tellsUs. “They can’t picture their lives with anyone else.” Between the film festival and the DVF Awards, the duo’s Venice visit is a busy one. For the majority of ...
编辑记得Amal Clooney跟George Clooney的恋情刚刚公布时,大家的关注点都非常一致:她凭什么征服了好莱坞“钻石单身汉”(没错,稿子都是取的这样的标题)?!然后开始挖她的来历以及家族背景等,但是后来,风向慢慢起了变化,媒体带头改口,新闻标题里给她的Title变成了律师Amal Clooney,而非“克鲁尼老婆Amal”了。以...