George Carlin, known for his bold and unfiltered comedy, was born on May 12, 1937 in New York City. Carlin's early life was marked by a tumultuous relationship with education, dropping out of school at age 14 to navigate the world on his own terms. Despite these early challenges, he fo...
Was in a rotten mood the whole weekend (it's sunday) for no apparent reason until I had the urge to watch another Carlin special. I had been watching them in chronological order and didn't really laugh much at most of them other than the first. This included his political views, views...
GeorgeCarlintalksabout'Stuff' IFYOUDON'TREADTHISTOTHEVERYEND,YOUHAVELOSTADAYINYOURLIFE.ANDWHENYOUHAVEFINISHED,DOASIAMDOINGANDSENDITON.你若沒讀完,你就少活了一天。你若讀完,請照我講的做,同時將此信息傳給他人。ClicktogoMusic:ErnestoCortazar“EternalLove...
In Conversation: Sue Coe and Peter Kuper with John Carlin Allan Frumkin in his gallery at 152 East Superior Street Notes on a Fireplace Press Release for Summer Exhibition Our Man in Switzerland Letter from William T Wiley to H. C. Westermann Tour de Tribeca Made at the Sandal Sh...
Carlina Rivera (3) Carlos Menchaca (6) Carly Fiorina (1) Carmen Arroyo (4) Carmen De La Rosa (1) Carmen Farina (13) Carolyn Maloney (13) Catalina Cruz (8) Cathy Guerriero (7) Chanina Sperlin (2) Charles Barron (4) Charles Rangel (33) Charlie King (1) Chazz...
George Carlin, known for his bold and unfiltered comedy, was born on May 12, 1937 in New York City. Carlin's early life was marked by a tumultuous relationship with education, dropping out of school at age 14 to navigate the world on his own terms. Despite these early challenges, he fo...