In 1959, he was discharged from the United States Navy because of his political views and founded the American Nazi Party. Rockwell denied The Holocaust and believed that Martin Luther King Jr. was a tool for Jewish Communists wanting to rule the white community. He blamed the civil rights ...
Was in a rotten mood the whole weekend (it's sunday) for no apparent reason until I had the urge to watch another Carlin special. I had been watching them in chronological order and didn't really laugh much at most of them other than the first. This included his political views, views...
Patton's fame derives primarily from his record as an outstanding practitioner of mobile armored warfare. Quick-tempered and bluff in speech, he was frequently involved in political controversy, not least because of his propensity to racist and anti-Semitic remarks. He was nicknamed "Old Blood and...
In the second part of our discussion he strongly rejects the idea that the last two mayors, both Republicans, were elected due to a sense of crisis among voters at the time which drove Democratic voters to abandon their party’s nominee. 2013 Mayoral Race, Adolfo Carrion, Anthony Weiner, ...
Well, not all of them to be fair. There are two kinds of Trump supporters: there’s the straight-ticket Republicans who’d support an animatronic Chuck E Cheese robot as long as it had an (R) next to its name, and then there’s the so-called “populists” who say everything...
Full transcript of Complaints and Grievances, HBO comedy special by stand-up comedian George Carlin. It was recorded on November 17, 2001.
but they have access to some kind of healthcare. They do alright in the American legal system unless they’re up against a rich person. Some of them even donate money to their favorite political party. The not-rich can eat out once in a while, come to a show like this from time to...
In 1959, he was discharged from the United States Navy because of his political views and founded the American Nazi Party. Rockwell denied The Holocaust and believed that Martin Luther King Jr. was a tool for Jewish Communists wanting to rule the white community. He blamed the civil rights ...
Who’ve just about ruined this planet because they’re afraid someone might have a bigger dick out there somewhere. Men are basically insecure about the size of their dicks, and so they go to war over it. You don’t have to be a political scientist or a history major to seethe bigger...