KNOTS are usually categorized in terms of topological properties that are invariant under changes in a knot's spatial configuration. Here we approach knot identification from a different angle, by considering the properties of particular geometrical forms which we define as 'ideal'. For a knot with...
eddy‐current system with an adjoint system in which energy is being generated it is possible to produce an invariant four‐dimensional volume in terms of the separate electric and magnetic energies.2By means of a variational method, upper and lower bounds can be found for both these energies....
Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author self-archiving of the accepted manuscript version of this article is solely governed by the terms of such...
where we choose to ignore the boundary terms (for now) or equivalently we agree to work on closed surfaces S .Since this equality must hold of any v let us consider functions that are little "blips" centered at any arbitrary point x ∈ S . A function v that is one at x and quickly...
shows dependence on the element’s geometry shape in terms of operating frequencies. This basic principle is ubiquitous in the design of radiators in multiple applications spanning from microwave, to optics and plasmonics. The emergence of epsilon-near-zero media exceptionally allows for an infinite ...
We found no evidence for correlation between phylogenetic diversity of known host plants and Trange, indicating that specialization can occur independently for biotic resources and abiotic conditions (Fig. 3, Supplementary Table 5). The terms specialist and generalist therefore cannot be applied as ...
Essentially, synchronous sourcing and redeposition occurred on both margins of the Central Trough but with a marked dominance of activity along the eastern margin in terms of incorporated sediment volume. The described core material was placed in a regional context by means of the event stratigraphy...
All ground states of finite disordered ± J Ising systems on cubic lattices are calculated exactly and classified into different ground-state clusters. These clusters are investigated with respect to their size and their geometric extension. We interpret the results in terms of a dependence on the ...
For example, an overabundance of freeform terms on a surface can lead to unnecessarily large freeform departures and when low-order basis functions are used to describe an optical surface, such as the Zernike polynomials used herein, freeform departure correlates to local slope. Thus, large free...
Here we show different tuning schemes with respect to C1 and C3 for a fictional neuron (r1). The metric \(\Delta {{{\rm{R}}}^{2}-{\Delta {{{\rm{R}}}^{2}}_{{{\rm{Linear}}}\) was used to evaluate to what extend the pure non-linear terms were important to predict the po...