BBS.SASAOO--财经医疗软件娱乐养生综合信息论坛 BBS.SASAOO SQLServer2008预览以Geometry或Geography存储的空间数据 其实看到标题就知道就是推荐一个SQLServer2008数据库的一个功能,也算是SQL Server2008的一个新特性,可能是该功能不GIS的图形有点联系,所以还是还是想给大家推荐一下,让大家体验一下. SQLServer2008的...
SQL Server 在geography執行個體上使用方法時,會使用預設 SRID 4326,此 SRID 會對應到 WGS 84 空間參考系統。 如果您使用 WGS 84 (或 SRID 4326) 以外之空間參考系統內的資料,您需要為您的地理位置空間資料決定特定的 SRID。 備註 geometry和 geography類型不能當做 Microsoft Fab...
假设你发布的数据库包含使用 Microsoft SQL Server 2016 或2017中的GEOGRAPHY_AUTO_GRID或GEOMETRY_AUTO_GRID的空间索引。 当您尝试为出版物生成快照时,收到类似于以下内容的错误消息: 关键字 "WITH" 旁边的语法不正确。 (源: MSSQLServer,错...
In SQL database in Microsoft Fabric, geography and geometry data types are supported but cannot be mirrored to the Fabric OneLake. Examples A. Showing how to add and query geography data The following examples show how to add and query geography data. The first example creates a table with ...
SQL Server 傳回類型:intCLR 傳回類型:SqlInt32備註如果geography 執行個體不是 MultiPoint、MultiLineString、MultiPolygon 或GeometryCollection 執行個體,則此方法會傳回 1,如果 geography 執行個體為空,則傳回 0。範例下列範例會建立 MultiPoint 執行個體,並使用 STNumGeometries() 來得知此執行個體包含多少個 ...
DECLARE @g geography; DECLARE @h geography; SET @g = geography::STGeomFromText('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POLYGON((-122.368 47.658, -122.338 47.649, -122.338 47.658, -122.368 47.658, -122.368 47.658)), LINESTRING(-122.360 47.656, -122.343 47.656), POINT (-122.35 47.656))', 4326); SET @h = geogra...
SQL Server return type:float CLR return type:SqlDouble Remarks If ageographyinstance is closed, its length is calculated as the total length around the instance; the length of any polygon is its perimeter, and the length of a point is 0. The length of aGeometryCollectionis found by calculat...
Assume that you publish a database that contains a spatial index that uses either GEOGRAPHY_AUTO_GRID or GEOMETRY_AUTO_GRID in Microsoft SQL Server 2016 or 2017. When you try to generate a snapshot for your publicatio...
DECLARE @geog GEOGRAPHY;DECLARE @geom GEOMETRY;SET @geom = GEOMETRY::STGeomFromText('POLYGON ((-99.213546752929688 19.448402404785156, -99.2157974
KB4037412-FIX: SQL Server 복제 문서에 GEOGRAPHY_AUTO_GRID 또는 GEOMETRY_AUTO_GRID 중 하나가 있는 경우 오류 발생Applies ToSQL Server 2016 Service Pack 1 SQL Server 2016 Enterprise -...