SQL Server return type: geographyCLR return type: SqlGeographyRemarksSTBuffer() calculates a buffer in the same manner as BufferWithTolerance, specifying tolerance = abs(distance) * .001 and relative = false.A negative buffer removes all points within the given distance of the boundary of the ...
Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance SQL database in Microsoft Fabric The latitude property of the geography instance. Syntax Copy .Lat Return Types SQL Server type: float CLR type: SqlDouble Remarks In the OpenGIS model, Lat is defined only on geography in...
SQL Server return type: geographyCLR return type: SqlGeographyOGC type: PointRemarksThis method throws a FormatException if the input is not well-formatted.ExamplesThe following example uses STPointFromText() to create a geography instance.
Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed InstanceReturns the total number of rings in a Polygon instance. In the SQL Server geography type, external and internal rings are not distinguished, as any ring can be taken to be the external ring....
SQL in Azure Azure Arc-fähige Version von SQL Server Ressourcen Verweis Azure Data CLI (azcli) Datenbankbeispiele Fehler und Ereignisse Ereignisklassen Native Schnittstellen SQL PowerShell Systemkatalogsichten Systemkompatibilitätssichten Dynamische Systemverwaltungssichten Systemfunktionen Informationssc...
SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance SQL database in Microsoft Fabric Performs a union operation on a set of geography objects. Syntax UnionAggregate ( geography_operand ) Arguments geography_operand Is ageographytype table column that holds the set ofgeographyobjects on which ...
SQL Server return type:bit CLR return type:SqlBoolean Remarks This method always returnsNULLif the spatial reference IDs (SRIDs) of thegeographyinstances do not match. Examples The following example usesSTIntersects()to determine whether twogeographyinstances intersect each other. ...
The geography type represents data in a round-earth coordinate system. Both data types are implemented as .NET common language runtime (CLR) data types in SQL Server. 官网链接如下: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb933790%28v=sql.110%29.aspx...
其他复杂查询 如其他文档:https://www.cnblogs.com/ytwy/p/5977848.html https://www.liangzl.com/get-article-detail-6302.html 参考文档:https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/1965/sql-server-geography-data-type/
SQL Server return type: floatCLR return type: SqlDoubleRemarksThe result is expressed in the unit of measure defined by the Spatial Reference Identifier (SRID) of spatial data. STDistance() always returns null if the spatial reference IDs (SRIDs) of the geography instances do not match....