Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance SQL database in Microsoft FabricThe latitude property of the geography instance.SyntaxCopy .Lat Return TypesSQL Server type: floatCLR type: SqlDoubleRemarksIn the OpenGIS model, Lat is defined only on geography instances ...
SQL Server return type: geographyCLR return type: SqlGeographyRemarksSTBuffer() calculates a buffer in the same manner as BufferWithTolerance, specifying tolerance = abs(distance) * .001 and relative = false.A negative buffer removes all points within the given distance of the boundary of the ...
Arguments for the Point (geography Data Type) method have coordinates reversed compared to WKT. Return Types SQL Server return type: geography CLR return type: SqlGeography Examples The following example uses Point() to create a geography instance. SQL Copy DECLARE @g geography; SET @g = geog...
SQL Server return type: geographyCLR return type: SqlGeographyRemarksSTBuffer() calculates a buffer in the same manner as BufferWithTolerance, specifying tolerance = abs(distance) * .001 and relative = false.A negative buffer removes all points within the given distance of the boundary of the ...
SQL Server return type: floatCLR return type: SqlDoubleRemarksThe result is expressed in the unit of measure defined by the Spatial Reference Identifier (SRID) of spatial data. STDistance() always returns null if the spatial reference IDs (SRIDs) of the geography instances do not match....
SQL Server return type: floatCLR return type: SqlDoubleRemarksThe result is expressed in the unit of measure defined by the Spatial Reference Identifier (SRID) of spatial data. STDistance() always returns null if the spatial reference IDs (SRIDs) of the geography instances do not match....
The geography type represents data in a round-earth coordinate system. Both data types are implemented as .NET common language runtime (CLR) data types in SQL Server. 官网链接如下:
SQL Server return type:geography CLR return type:SqlGeography OGC type:Point Remarks This method throws aFormatExceptionif the input is not well-formatted. Examples The following example usesSTPointFromText()to create ageographyinstance. SQL
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The geography spatial data type, geography, is implemented as a .NET common language runtime (CLR) data type in SQL Server. This type represents data in a round-earth coordinate system. The SQL Server geography data type stores ellipsoidal (round-earth) data, such as GPS latitude and longitu...