That depends on how you define “home.” If by home, one means the place I’ve lived for the past decade [Bangalore, KA, India,] then its antipode is in the eastern Pacific Ocean – off the coast of South America. This would make the farthest I’ve been from home: Lima, Peru. I...
Sonnichsen, Tyler. “Ground-Truthing DC Punk History in Adams-Morgan.” Chap. 12 inInterrogating Popular Music in the City, edited by Shane Homan, Catherine Strong, Seamus O’Hanlon and John Tebbutt, 180-97. London: Routledge, 2024. ...
sailed his sloop, which was less than forty feet long, into the strait of Georgia (then more grandly known as El Grand Canal de Nuestra Señora del Rosario la Marinera!), and continued past the mudflats at the mouth of the River Fraser as far north as Texada and Ballenas islands, b...
In the 1950s, San Francisco ceased supplying salt to the US west coast paper industry and an alternative source of salt was needed. Daniel Ludwig (who would later build the famed Acapulco Princess Hotel) set up a company at the saline Ojo de Liebre coastal lagoon near Guerrero Negro in ...
Each 16x20 inch outline map is printed on sturdy paper, shipped flat and is priced at $1 each.We welcome volume purchasesand give a25% discounton all map orders containingany combination of 200 or more maps. Spread the word andorder for the entire grade, school or district!We accept purc...
2. Have the project leader created a single main data spreadsheet on Google Docs, with all the desired data attributes (e.g. point name, coordinates, comments, additional data fields from the paper forms, etc.) and share a link to that spreadsheet with other project members so that they ...
Eucalyptus wood is widely used in the production of paper and furniture. The jarrah and karri species, which grow in Western Australia, are noted for the durability of their woods. Queensland maple, walnut, and rosewood are prized as cabinet and furniture woods. There are plans to triple the...
This growth has come about from a variety of reasons, but a key driver has been the Geospatial Semester program. In the rest of this paper, we introduce the Geospatial Semester, share details about its implementation, and discuss the research we have done regarding its impact on students’ sp...
Special Paper 334. Esperanza Yarza de la Torre. 1984. Volcanes de México. UNAM. Want to read more? Use the site’s tag system (left hand side of the page) to find lots more posts about Mexico’s volcanoes, geology and landforms. FacebookTwitterRedditWhatsApp分享 Tagged with: geology, ...