But the book’s excitement isn’t all in the past. One learns about vintage map thieves and the sometimes wild and wooly world of modern travel (e.g. where one should get passport stamps on a separate sheet of paper to avoid border rectal exams.) Maybe it’s the maphead in me, but...
Each 16x20 inch outline map is printed on sturdy paper, shipped flat and is priced at $1 each.We welcome volume purchasesand give a25% discounton all map orders containingany combination of 200 or more maps. Spread the word andorder for the entire grade, school or district!We accept purc...
Sonnichsen, Tyler. “Ground-Truthing DC Punk History in Adams-Morgan.” Chap. 12 inInterrogating Popular Music in the City, edited by Shane Homan, Catherine Strong, Seamus O’Hanlon and John Tebbutt, 180-97. London: Routledge, 2024. ...
The Wikipedia entry for El Potrero Chico describes it as having “a large range of different climbs, most of them in the 5.8 to 5.13 grade. The type of climbing can range from steep overhanging face to easy slab. The rock is usually quite sharp. The climbs are mostly situated in a ...
number of partner teachers have shared that they have remained in the teaching profession well past their anticipated retirement date because the GSS gave them some respite from the high-stakes testing regime that has come to dominate K-12 education. They also rediscovered their passion for project...
I’ve owned a handheld GPS ever since the first “consumer-grade” model, the Motorola Traxar, was released in 1993: $900, 6 AA batteries, 8 satellites max, could only record waypoints, and about the size and weight of a brick. Man, was that an awesome GPS unit! I’ve upgraded sev...
Mexico’s seven leading food and beverage multinationals have invested a total of 7.42 billion dollars overseas in the past five years. The investments include acquisitions of other firms, building new plants and enlarging or remodeling existing plants....
Australia is the world's largest producer of both gem or near-gem and industrial-grade diamonds, producing about two-fifths of the global total. Production of gemquality diamonds was 9,279,000 carats in 2004. Much of it came from the giant Argyle Diamond Mine in the Kimberley region of ...
Geography for Life lays out learning goals for geography in three grade bands: K–4 (ages 5–10), 5–8 (ages 10–14), and 9–12 (ages 14–18). These goals represent a consensus among geographers and geography educators of what geographically informed individuals should know and be ...
One of its strengths is how it handles large data sets well. Rendering is above grade with a whole slew of mapping options. For example, you can generate pie charts, plotting, and choropleth maps. OpenJUMP GIS Pluginsenhance its capabilities. There are plugins for editing, raster, printing,...