Geographic Area Coordination Center Geographic Area Coordination Centers Geographic Area of Interest Geographic Areas of Particular Concern Geographic Areas Reference Manual Geographic Aspect Geographic Atlas Geographic Atrophy Geographic Awareness Week Geographic Base File Geographic Base File/Dual-Independent-Map-...
西北地区帮助西北地区areaArea 系统标签: northwestgeographicareanino地区precipitation NorthwestGeographicAreaCoordinationCenter PredictiveServices Winterof2014-2015 ClimateandSignificantFirePotentialOutlook FridayDecember5 th 2014 CPCTemperatureOutlook forNovember2014 (issuedinOctober) Temperaturesactually observedinNovember20...
PlanPLANAreaarea 系统标签: responsefederalcoordinationnationalgeographic联邦 AllHazardIncidents Overviewofthe NationalResponseFramework andtheRoleof WildlandFireAgenciesIn DisasterResponse JohnCaffin RegionalEmergencyOperationsSpecialist SouthernRegion-U.S.ForestService 404-915-3083(cell) 1.Create...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Aspect, Geographic a synonym for geographic landscape suggested by the Soviet scholar L. S. Berg in...
geographic labelcoordination degreeenvironmental regulationThe current use of area transfer and landscape index methods are affected by spatial discontinuity data,which leads to irrational distribution of geographic labels in tourist areas.The scale and pattern of tourism areas analyzed from the perspective ...
suggesting no clear link between the two diseases. Although the source of this exposure is uncertain, these results indicate that a substantial proportion of the population over a wide geographical area of eastern Europe, possibly tens of millions of people, has been exposed to aristolochic acid-co...
Meteorological winter featured significant drought relief across the Southern Area, most notably throughout the Appalachians, Mississippi Valley and middle Gulf Coast. On the U.S. Drought Monitor over the past three months, small areas of developing dryness or drought are noted in eastern North Caro...
Geographic Area Coordination Center Geographic Area Coordination Centers Geographic Area of Interest Geographic Areas of Particular Concern Geographic Areas Reference Manual Geographic Aspect Geographic Atlas Geographic Atrophy Geographic Awareness Week Geographic Base File Geographic Base File/Dual-Independent-Map-...
(Table 1). Overall, PAD patients were more likely to be males who resided in an urban area and had an average age of 65.7 years (SD 14.2). Patients who experienced a 30-day unplanned readmission were more likely to be non-Hispanic Black (37.0% vs. 27.6%) and have Medicare (73.5% ...
Victory in the Battle for the Caucasus consolidated the southern flank of the Soviet-German front, and close coordination between the land forces and the air force, the navy, and the partisans was attained. Thousands of soldiers were awarded the medal “For the Defense of the Caucasus,” which...