Geographic Area Coordination Center Geographic Area Coordination Centers Geographic Area of Interest Geographic Areas of Particular Concern Geographic Areas Reference Manual Geographic Aspect Geographic Atlas Geographic Atrophy Geographic Awareness Week Geographic Base File Geographic Base File/Dual-Independent-Map-...
a geographical study of the area.geográfico ˌgeoˈgraphicallyadverb geográficamente Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. geographic a.que fisicamente muestra manchas naturales o superficiales; ___ keratitis→queratitis ___; ...
tourist areageographic labelcoordination degreeenvironmental regulationThe current use of area transfer and landscape index methods are affected by spatial discontinuity data,which leads to irrational distribution of geographic labels in tourist areas.The scale and pattern of tourism areas analyzed from the ...
Victory in the Battle for the Caucasus consolidated the southern flank of the Soviet-German front, and close coordination between the land forces and the air force, the navy, and the partisans was attained. Thousands of soldiers were awarded the medal “For the Defense of the Caucasus,” which...
PlanPLANAreaarea 系统标签: responsefederalcoordinationnationalgeographic联邦 AllHazardIncidents Overviewofthe NationalResponseFramework andtheRoleof WildlandFireAgenciesIn DisasterResponse JohnCaffin RegionalEmergencyOperationsSpecialist SouthernRegion-U.S.ForestService 404-915-3083(cell) 1.Create...
Overlaps between mapping datasets can occur when there is a lack of coordination or integration among different organizations or sources. This can lead to duplicate features or conflicting attributes in overlapping areas. Data failures, like incomplete, outdated, or erroneous mapping data, can also ari...
Areas of severe drought category remain if north Mississippi and west Tennessee. Eastern North Carolina has an area of moderate drought. Notably, the southern Appalachians, Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida are mostly free of drought.
Geographic Area Coordination Centers Geographic Area of Interest Geographic Areas of Particular Concern Geographic Areas Reference Manual Geographic Aspect Geographic Atlas Geographic Atrophy Geographic Awareness Week Geographic Base File Geographic Base File/Dual-Independent-Map-Encoding Geographic Base Files Geogr...
Specific features of contemporary geographic atlases are the internal unity, coordination, and complementary nature of the maps. Important factors in achieving these features are comparable projections, scales, legends, indexes, and methods of representation; a single standardization system; general principle...
Furthermore, counties are an important unit of analysis to consider because they play an important role in the coordination, funding, and provision of health and behavioral health services for disadvantaged populations.36 Notwithstanding these limitations, to our knowledge, this study is the first to...