lp_insert_clock_gating true # compile syn_generic syn_map syn_opt # check result report_area report_timing # write result write_hdl ${top} > ${top}_syn.v write_sdc ${top} > normal_mode_max_out.sdc 初看与synopsys dc的版本也没有太大的区别,只是一些命令或者参数变了,但流程和要做的...
# compilesyn_genericsyn_mapsyn_opt # check resultreport_areareport_timing # write resultwrite_hdl ${top} > ${top}_syn.vwrite_sdc ${top} > normal_mode_max_out.sdc 初看与synopsys dc的版本也没有太大的区别,只是一些命令或者参数变了,但流程和要做的事情是一样的。有一点要注意的,genus默认...
report area > ./outputs/${DESIGN}_area.rpt report gates > ./outputs/${DESIGN}_gates.rpt write_hdl > ./outputs/${DESIGN}.vg write_sdc > ./outputs/${DESIGN}.sdc gui_show; 1st Schematic 2nd schematic (preferred)
The following example redirects the output from a timing report into a file: legacy_genus:/> report timing > timing.rpt This example appends the timing report to an existing file: legacy_genus:/> report area >> design.rpt Additional examples of command redirection are shown in the following ...
StringidCardNum;// 地区Stringarea;// 省Stringprovince;// 市Stringcity;// 县Stringcounty;// 生日(格式 => Y-M-D)Stringbirthday;// 生日天干地支StringganZhi;// 年龄intage;// 属相Stringzodiac;// 星座Stringconstellation;// 性别Stringgender; ...
Define plant genus. plant genus synonyms, plant genus pronunciation, plant genus translation, English dictionary definition of plant genus. Noun 1. plant genus - a genus of plants genus - taxonomic group containing one or more species kingdom Plantae, pl
accounting for 28.7% of the total area of Ningxia, with 18,949 km2. The distribution area ofD. silvarumwas primarily in the central and southern parts, with the smallest predicted area of 4698 km2. The three species ofHaemaphysaliswere found to overlap in the southernmost region (Fig.1c)....
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
桑科的模式属;桑树。 2) iroko 桑科树 例句>> 3) mulberry tree 桑树 1. A Preliminary Report on the Occurrences of the Main Diseases of Mulberry Trees in Panxi Area and Their Countermeasures; 攀西地区主要桑树病害发生及防治对策初报 2. ...