genus report timing命令 image.png image.png image.png 屏幕截图 2024-01-28 170518.png
12.optDesign -postRoute 13.report_timing.
12.optDesign -postRoute 13.report_timing.
The trick is to use a GUI-based timing report! The Genus Synthesis Solution's GUI (Graphical User Interface) helps you analyze/debug the timing issues/results using GUI capabilities. Are you ready to tour the GUI world to: See the timing path in the layout viewer? Identify t...
# check resultreport_areareport_timing # write resultwrite_hdl ${top} > ${top}_syn.vwrite_sdc ${top} > normal_mode_max_out.sdc 初看与synopsys dc的版本也没有太大的区别,只是一些命令或者参数变了,但流程和要做的事情是一样的。有一点要注意的,genus默认是common ui,一些老命令不支持了,比如...
report timing -lint -verbose ### Synthesizing to generic set_db syn_generic_effort $SYN_EFF puts "Runtime & Memory after 'synthesize -to_generic'" timestat GENERIC set_db auto_ungroup none syn_generic ### Synthesizing to gates set
lp_insert_clock_gating true # compile syn_generic syn_map syn_opt # check result report_area report_timing # write result write_hdl ${top} > ${top}_syn.v write_sdc ${top} > normal_mode_max_out.sdc 初看与synopsys dc的版本也没有太大的区别,只是一些命令或者参数变了,但流程和要做的...
■Scan chain report&scan def生成 ■背景: 目前网上能找到的关于scan chain插入的教程基本都基于Tessent或Fusion Compiler的flow,但关于在Genus里插入scan chain的flow教程少之有少。 正巧我目前在做的项目有关于这方面的内容。于是就来分享一下。如有错误和遗漏,欢迎大家指正。
in commodity prices, interest rates and exchange rates, the policies and actions of governmental and regulatory authorities, the effect of competition, inflation, deflation, the timing effect and other uncertainties of future acquisitions or combinations within relevant industries, the rate of on...
Fig. 2. Evaluation of number of publications which report bioactive properties related to three major classes of mussel compounds. Peptides, lipids, and carbohydrates are differentiated in different shades of grey. 1.2 Marine mussel species of interest: morphology, geographical distribution, and habitat...