Calculate Mora and Materials for Character Ascension. Optimize Your Character Progression Effortlessly. Character Level Current Level Intended Level Talents Level NANormal Attack ESkill QBurst Current Level Intended Level Weapon Ascension Calculator
All domain materials are farmable on Sundays. America Damage Calculator A quick and dirty way to decide between weapons and artifacts based on stats. Go to Damage Calculator Interactive Map The official HoYoLAB Teyvat Interactive Map. Keep track of your findings while exploring the world of Teyvat...
In order to get Ningguang to max level, you need to use certain materials to ascend her. Here are all of Genshin Impact Ningguang’s ascension materials: 20➔40 20k mora One prithiva topaz sliver Three glaze lily Three recruit’s insignia 40➔50 40k mora Three prithiva topaz ...
| Enhancement Progression Calculator Update: Supports calculating level-up materials for the new character Yumemizuki Mizuki >> Click to Use the Enhancement Progression Calculator << | Lineup Simulator Update: Supports related lineup queries and posts for the new character Yumemizuki Mizuki (Check out...
In the Genshin Impact marketplace, buyers get all that they need, from accounts to boosting services. Sure, they’ll still have to gather the materials for leveling up their characters, but at least they don’t have to fight RNG for them. ...
What are Bennett’s talent materials? Here are all the talent materials you need to turn one of Bennett’s talents up to ten: 1➔2 12.5k mora Six treasure hoarder insignias Three teachings of resistance 2➔3 17.5k mora Three silver raven insignias ...
resin_calculator_hint resin_calculator_desc_short 友情經驗計算器 計算友情經驗並加強與角色的聯繫。最大化您的遊戲體驗。 please_select_level 當前經驗條(拖動條) - 20% 計算 命運價格計算器 估算原神中命運的成本。使用我們的計算器規劃您的許願策略。
If target level is not specified, both next ascension and max level (currently lv. 90) will be shown. /books list: Displays a list of Talent Book availability per day /books calc <from> <target>: Calculates how many books/other materials are needed for a certain set of talent upgrades ...
Ashal Calculator, Dolphin NilouC0 [ hybrid ] WT+Emblem (HP head recomnd) + R1jade, 0-10-10 HP51,368 EM204+60 Cr69.Cd127 Scene : +1dendro Crit Enmy ; RuinGrd93 [ Sword Slash ] Initial E = 4,585 Sword Slash 2x= 13,314 (can 3x) Sword moon = 9,843 (can 3x) Ult = 75,...
Materials Fuji II Glass Ionomer Cement Dental Fuji 2 GC Hand Modulated PatternDisposable towels 40x80 spunlace | pack of 100 units black Color | Ideal hairdresser, aesthetics, spa, gyms, massage centersDokier S Cup Fake Boobs Realistic Silicone Breast Forms For Crossdressing Drag Queen Shemale ...