All Arlecchino Talent Material (Abilities Level Up Materials): Talent Materials for Arlecchino Arlecchino Materials Farming Guide Some of Arlecchino’s Ascension materials can only be found in the new area in the Genshin Impact 4.6 version, but you can pre-farm the rest pretty easily. Here is a...
All Chiori Talent Material (Abilities Level Up Materials): Talent Materials for Chiori Chiori Materials Farming Guide Chiori ascension materials are relatively easy to find and farm with the correct farming strategy. Most of her materials are found in Inazuma, with some being in Fontaine. Here is ...
Character Ascension Materials Character Level-Up Materials Character and Weapon Enhancement Materials Refinement Materials Character Talent Materials Weapon Ascension Materials Back Materials Local Specialties Cooking Ingredients Forging Materials Furnishing Materials Gardening Materials Back Consuma...
Pre-Farming for Sigewinne's Weapon Sigewinne's Signature Weapon is called “Pouring Heartstrings” and also requires a considerable amount of materials. To upgrade Absolution to Level 90, here are all of the materials you will need: Weapon Ascension Materials 5 Dross of Pure Sacred Dewdrop 14 ...
Talent Level-Up Materials: 3 Teachings of Justice 21 Guide to Justice 38 Philosophies of Justice Guardian of Apep's Oasis Weekly Boss Drops: 6 Everamber 1 Crown of Insight 1.6525 million Mora If you're planning to 10/10/10 her, you need three times as much. 10/10/10 Full Cost ...
Its materials are:Teachings of Prosperity Teachings of Diligence Teachings of Gold Guide to Philosophy Guide to Diligence Guide to Gold Philosophies of Prosperity Philosophies of Diligence Philosophies of GoldIt’s a good idea to level up talents because along with outputting more dama...
Leakers allege that Furina's common Ascension materials are Nectars, which drop from Whopperflowers all over Teyvat. Related: Furina’s Special Dish and how to cook it in Genshin Impact –“Proustis”Talent level-up materials & costYou must prepare 1,652,500 Mora and the following materials...
The Traveler requires different talent level-up materials for each of their different elemental builds, so it’s best to decide which element you like for them best and focus on triple-crowning that one first. Here are all the materials you need to get one of the Traveler’s talents to ma...
Thanks to the popular Honeyhunterwebsite, we finally have the ascension materials for Kokomi: Level 20: Varunada Lazurite Sliver (x1), Sango Pearl (x3), Spectral Husk (x3), Mora (20k) Level 40: Varunada Lazurite Fragment (x3), Dew of Repudiation (x2), Sango Pearl (x10), Spectal...
Arlecchino, the upcoming Pyro character in Genshin Impact version 4.6, has leaked materials needed for ascension and talent level-ups. Here’s what you can pre…