基因组DNA分离试剂盒(植物)(磁珠)(Genomic DNA Isolation Kit (Plant) (Magnetic Beads))适用样本类型Plant Tissue 产品特点 100mg Fresh plant tissue, 50mg dry plant tissue 保存建议 Room Temperature 其他 Reddot Biotech是由一支拥有35年医疗管理经验团队创办的加拿大本土品牌,其已在ELISA产品线上深耕7个年头,...
An automated solution must be capable of extracting high molecular weight DNA and must result in the production of high quality, intact nucleic acids. Aurora Biomeds proprietary AB96 Magnetic Binding Plant Tissue gDNA Isolation Kit in 96-well format was validated using the VERSA 1100 NAP/PCR ...
For automated purification of high-quality DNA from 1–24 samples per run QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit For automated purification of DNA from 1–96 samples on the QIAsymphony SP Instrument DNeasy Plant Pro Kits For extraction of total cellular DNA from plant cells and ...
Moreover, the taxon has been reported to exhibit plant growth-promoting traits, including nutrient provision and tolerance against abiotic stresses. The advancement of next-generation sequencing technology has made it easier for us to explore the full potential of microorganisms distributed across the ...
英文名Dzup (Plant) Genomic DNA Isolation Reagent 相关类别基因组DNA分离储存常温(10-30℃) 编 号包装库存目录价(¥)您的价格(¥)数量 B518203-002525 ML现货148148 B518203-0100100 ML现货519519 产品描述 概述 本试剂盒采用胍盐等离液剂与氯仿同时作用,快速裂解植物样品,使 DNA 游离在溶液中,再通过离心等...
Manual or automated isolation of genomic DNA from plant cells and tissue Additional product information Please see the product’s Certificate of Analysis for information about storage conditions, product components, and technical specifications. Please see the Kit Components List to determin...
Which kit for plant DNA extraction is right for you? Most cost-effective High quality gDNA at a great value Fast isolation of gDNA from a variety of plant samples Rapid and automated extraction of DNA Plant DNAzol Reagent PureLink Genomic Plant DNA Purification...
PureLink Genomic Plant DNA Purification Kit 价格¥2470 包装50prep 最小起订量50prep 发货地上海 更新日期2024-12-25 产品详情 英文名称:PureLink Genomic Plant DNA Purification Kit产品类别:DNA提取与纯化 描述 The PureLink® Genomic Plant DNA Purification Kit allows efficient isolation of total DNA in ab...
Which kit for DNA extraction from cells is right for you? Order nowOrder nowOrder now Order now Process the most cellsFast isolation of gDNA from cellsHigh-yield, high-purity gDNA in a plate formatRapid and automated extraction of DNA ...
品名:PureLink Genomic Plant DNA Purification Kit 规格:50preps 产品描述: The PureLink® Genomic Plant DNA Purification Kit allows efficient isolation of total DNA in about 40 minutes from a variety of plant samples, such as spinach, tomato, soy, wheat, Arabidopsis, and mushroom. ...