Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR products of total genomic DNAs with primers targeting gene nccA (Lane: 4), van2 (lane: 3), smtAB (lane: 2) and cnrB2 (lane: 1).Ilunga, KamikaMaggie, N. B. Momba
China), and the genomic DNA was removed using RNase-Free DNase I (Takara, Japan). The integrity and quality of RNA were evaluated on a 1.5% agarose gel and NanoDrop 2000 (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA), respectively. For transcriptome sequencing, total RNA of each tissue was separately...
Genomic DNA was extracted from thoracic muscle tissues using the TIANamp Genomic DNA Kit (TIANGEN BIOTECH CO., LTD) according to the manufacturer’s protocols. DNA was quantified with the Quant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA Assay Kit; DNA integrity was assessed by electrophoresis on a 1% agarose gel. The...
Amplified DNA fragments were sepa- rated on agarose gels and purified by using a Wizard SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System (Promega, Madison, WI, USA). Direct sequencing was carried out by using the PCR products as templates and the PCR primers with an ABI PRISM 310 DNA sequen- cer and ...
Genomic DNA from each individual was extracted from breast muscle samples using the phenol–chloroform method. The DNA quality was assessed by agarose gel electrophoresis. A DNA library (paired-end, 2 × 150 bp) was constructed for each DNA sample, and all libraries were sequenced on the ...
DNA methylation is a widely studied epigenetic mechanism known to correlate with gene repression and genomic stability. Development of sensitive methods for global detection of DNA methylation events is of particular importance. Results We here describe a technique, called modified methylation-specific digi...
Genomic DNA of paired primary tumors (PTs) and hepatic metastases (HMs) from 11 patients (9 N-PT-HM trios and 2 PT-HM pairs) were assessed by WES. All tumor samples are of high purity (median 56.8%, Additional file 1: Figure S1A). Paired PTs and HMs from 13 patients (6 N-PT-...
Deamination of cytosine to produce uracil is a common and potentially mutagenic lesion in genomic DNA. U•G mismatches occur spontaneously throughout the genome, where they are repaired by factors associated with the base excision repair pathway. U•
Genomic DNA was extracted from leaf samples (~300 mg per sample) using a modified cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) method47. DNA concentration and quality were assessed using 1.2% agarose gel electrophoresis and a NanoDrop 2000 spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA,...
h The percentage of cytoplasmic DNA-positive cells in g. Error bars indicate the mean ± SD of biological triplicates. One-way ANOVA coupled with Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test. i RT-qPCR analysis of the indicated genes was performed using RNA extracted from colon cancer organoids ...